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Other APIs


The main Comet Server API is described in detail in the API Guide. As well as making API requests to your Comet Server instances as described there, additional APIs are available for different purposes.

Comet Server web interface postMessage API

An API is also available for the Comet Server web interface frontend.

This additional API allows you to control some parts of the web interface by making postMessage calls in Javascript. Messages will be sent in either direction, as Javascript objects, in the general form {msg: "message_type", other_parameters: .... }.

To use this API, create a Comet Server web interface window (e.g. by using or <iframe>), and add a message event listener to wait for the AppLoaded API message described below.


Notification sent to the opener window when the Comet Server web interface is ready to receive other postMessage requests.

  • Message format: Object
  • Direction: Response (Sent by Comet Server web interface to caller)

Object parameters:

Parameter nameValue


Perform a single sign-on (SSO) login to the Comet Server web interface, as an administrator account.

  • Message format: Object
  • Direction: Request (Sent by caller to Comet Server web interface)

Object parameters:

Parameter nameValue
usernameAdmin username
sessionkeyPre-generated admin session key from the AdminAccountSessionStart or HybridSessionStart server API


Perform a single sign-on (SSO) login to the Comet Server web interface, as an end-user account.

  • Message format: Object
  • Direction: Request (Sent by caller to Comet Server web interface)

Object parameters:

Parameter nameValue
usernameCustomer username
sessionkeyPre-generated end-user session key from the UserWebSessionStart or AdminAccountSessionStartAsUser or HybridSessionStart server API

Comet Server live event streaming

Additional Comet Server APIs are available to receive live, realtime notifications from the Comet Server of new jobs, completed jobs, and user profile configuration changes.

Because of the reversed direction of information, these APIs do not entirely fit the general documented pattern and are documented separately here.

There are two ways to configure these live event notifications: either as a webhook or as a websocket.


This feature is available in Comet Server 20.6.1 and later.

You can configure a URL to receive events. The Comet Server will submit events by HTTP POST and must be able to reach the configured URL from its network position. The webhook's body is an event structure in JSON as described below in the "Message types" section.

An x-Comet-Tracing-Id header is present in the webhook request. Your webhook endpoint should respond with an HTTP 200 OK code to all POST events. If your webhook endpoint fails to do so, the failure will be logged in the Comet Server log, along with its corresponding x-Comet-Tracing-Id header value; and Comet Server will retry the request a finite number of times.

Custom headers to be included in the webhook POST request can be configured using the CustomHeaders field of WebhookOption. This field can be set using the API endpoints as described below, or directly in the cometd.cfg file:

"WebhookOptions": {
"ExampleOrganization": {
"URL": "",
"WhiteListedEventTypes": [],
"Level": "full",
"CustomHeaders": {
"Authorization": "Bearer f1d2d2f9",
"X-Custom-Header": "Custom header value"

Webhook messages are sent in parallel and may be unordered when received. When a webhook experiences an error and retries, the submission is not ordered.

You can use the webhook feature as follows:

  1. Use the AdminMetaWebhookOptionsGet API to retrieve the current webhook configuration

  2. Modify the data structure to add your own additional webhook endpoint in WebhookOption format.

  3. Use the AdminMetaWebhookOptionsSet API to replace the server's current webhook configuration with the updated configuration.

  4. You should immediately receive the initial SEVT_META_HELLO webhook event to your configured endpoint.

    • A SEVT_META_HELLO message will be sent every time the webhook queue is flushed. For instance, it will occur if the Comet Server is restarted.

The webhook configuration will be persisted in the cometd.cfg file. You may also choose to make changes to this file directly.


This feature is available in any version of Comet Server.

Instead of using a Webhook, you can make an outbound websocket connection. This method does not require your application to have a public URL. Messages will always be delivered sequentially in-order and will be delivered for as long as the websocket is held open.

If the websocket client is unable to drain messages sufficiently quickly from the TCP stream, event messages will be queued for publication up to an implementation-defined limit. After this limit, the websocket connection would be dropped by the Comet Server; in this case, a client should reconnect and perform a remedial sync using the standard Comet Server APIs to catch up on any missed status changes.

You can use the websocket feature as follows:

  1. Make a GET request to /api/v1/events/stream.

    • Optionally, limit which events are received by adding the query param allowList with a comma-delimited list of streamable event numbers to filter on (e.g. ?allowList=4100,4101).
  2. The server will perform an HTTP Upgrade to a WebSocket connection.

  3. The client must emit five text message frames in order, containing Username, AuthType, Password, SessionKey, and TOTP parameter values respectively. An empty-string text message frame can be used to skip providing a value.

  4. If the authentication failed, the server will emit a text message frame containing the string 403 Unauth, and then drop the connection. If the authentication succeeded, the server will emit a text message frame containing the string 200 OK.

  5. The server will then send a text message frame for each event, containing an event structure in JSON as described below in the "Message types" section.

Message types

For both webhook and websocket sources, you will receive a JSON-encoded StreamableEvent structure. The Type field indicates the type of the event and will be one of the SEVT_ constant values.

The first message you receive will have the SEVT_META_HELLO type. This indicates that a new live-event-streaming session has been created. API

As well as making API requests to your Comet Server instances described above, an API is also available for the web application.

This additional API allows you to control some parts of your account by making HTTP POST requests:

Supported Authentication Methods

You may use a password or API token for authentication with the API. Specify the authentication type using the authType parameter. If the authType parameter is not specified, then it will default to the 'password' authentication type.

Authentication TypeRequired Parameters
'password'Provide the email and password parameters in the POST body
'apiToken'Provide the apiToken parameter in the POST body

Example API request using the apiToken method of authentication:

curl -v -d 'apiToken=W2FAKETOKEN7Y&authType=apiToken&format=json'

You can manage API tokens for your account from the API token management page


Relax an existing Comet Server serial number.

  • Endpoint: POST
  • Request body in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format

Request parameters:

Parameter nameValue
authTypeSpecify the authentication type ('password' or 'authToken')
authTokenSpecify the authentication token (for 'authToken' method of authentication)
emailEmail address to log in to
passwordPassword to log in to
serialTarget serial number to relax

Possible responses:

HTTP CodeContent-TypeResponse Body
200text/plainOK, the serial was relaxed successfully
400text/plainInvalid or missing parameter
403text/plainInvalid credentials
500text/plainInternal error

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST ("RelaxLicense")


Generate a new Comet Server serial number.

  • Endpoint: POST
  • Request body in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format

Request parameters:

Parameter nameValue
authTypeSpecify the authentication type ('password' or 'authToken')
authTokenSpecify the authentication token (for 'authToken' method of authentication)
emailEmail address to log in to
passwordPassword to log in to
target_nameFriendly name for the serial number (optional)

Possible responses:

HTTP CodeContent-TypeResponse Body
200text/plainNewly generated serial (plain text)
400text/plainInvalid or missing parameter
403text/plainInvalid credentials
500text/plainInternal error

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST ("CreateLicense")


Deactivate and archive an existing Comet Server serial number

  • Endpoint: POST
  • Request body in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format

Request parameters:

Parameter nameValue
authTypeSpecify the authentication type ('password' or 'authToken')
authTokenSpecify the authentication token (for 'authToken' method of authentication)
emailEmail address to log in to
passwordPassword to log in to
serialTarget serial number to relax

Possible responses:

HTTP CodeContent-TypeResponse Body
200text/plainOK, the serial was archived successfully
400text/plainInvalid or missing parameter
403text/plainInvalid credentials
500text/plainInternal error

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST ("ArchiveLicense")


List all your current Comet Server serial numbers

  • Endpoint: POST
  • Request body in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format

Request parameters:

Parameter nameValue
authTypeSpecify the authentication type ('password' or 'authToken')
authTokenSpecify the authentication token (for 'authToken' method of authentication)
emailEmail address to log in to
passwordPassword to log in to

Possible responses:

HTTP CodeContent-TypeResponse Body
200application/jsonArray of objects, each object describing the Comet Server serial license
400text/plainInvalid or missing parameter
403text/plainInvalid credentials
500text/plainInternal error


List all currently active services

  • Endpoint: POST
  • Request body in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format

Request parameters:

Parameter nameValue
authTypeSpecify the authentication type ('password' or 'authToken')
authTokenSpecify the authentication token (for 'authToken' method of authentication)
emailEmail address to log in to
passwordPassword to log in to
formatOne of csv, json, or xlsx

Possible responses:

HTTP CodeContent-TypeResponse Body
200text/csvMy Active Services report in CSV format (if format=csv was supplied)
200application/jsonMy Active Services report in JSON format (if format=json was supplied)
200application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheetMy Active Services report in XLSX format (if format=xlsx was supplied)
400text/plainInvalid or missing parameter
403text/plainInvalid credentials
500text/plainInternal error


List all deductions from your account balance

  • Endpoint: POST
  • Request body in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format

Request parameters:

Parameter nameValue
authTypeSpecify the authentication type ('password' or 'authToken')
authTokenSpecify the authentication token (for 'authToken' method of authentication)
emailEmail address to log in to
passwordPassword to log in to
formatOne of csv, json, or xlsx

Possible responses:

HTTP CodeContent-TypeResponse Body
200text/csvCredit Usage report in CSV format (if format=csv was supplied)
200application/jsonCredit Usage report in JSON format (if format=json was supplied)
200application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheetCredit Usage report in XLSX format (if format=xlsx was supplied)
400text/plainInvalid or missing parameter
403text/plainInvalid credentials
500text/plainInternal error


Retrieve information about the latest available version of Comet Server to download.

  • Endpoint: GET
  • No request body
  • No authentication required for this endpoint

Request parameters:

  • No request parameters

Possible responses:

HTTP CodeContent-TypeResponse Body
200application/jsonComet Server version information in JSON format
500text/plainInternal error

Example Response:

"latest_stable": "20.8.3",
"latest_prerelease": "20.9.3",
"downloads_url": "",
"updates_info": [
"20.8.3 Jupiter / 20.9.3 Voyager now available - release notes ",
"Disk Image overview -"

List Comet server version

Retrive a list of Comet Server versions, including the ids for usage in the

Request Parameters:

Parameter nameValue
emailEmail address to log in to
passwordPassword to log in to
formatFormat of the response; one of json (default), csv or xlsx

Possible responses:

HTTP CodeContent-TypeResponse Body
200application/jsonA json list of server versions, ordered by the most recent release
500text/plainInternal error

Example Response:

"version_key": "20.9.3",
"Name": "Comet Server Release Notes",
"Version": "20.9.3 \"Voyager\"",
"Download": "Download for Windows 107.68 MB Download for Linux (.deb) 98.53 MB Download for Linux (.rpm) 98.54 MB Download for Linux (other) 97.18 MB"
"version_key": "20.8.3",
"Name": "Comet Server Release Notes",
"Version": "20.8.3 \"Jupiter\"",
"Download": "Download for Windows 105.47 MB Download for Linux (.deb) 98.53 MB Download for Linux (.rpm) 98.54 MB Download for Linux (other) 97.18 MB"

Download Comet server Version

Download a version of the Comet Server.


 wget --method POST \
--body-data 'email=youremail&password=yourpassword&platform=download_windows&version_key=20.9.3' \
--content-disposition \

Request Parameters:

Parameter nameValue
emailEmail address to log in to
passwordPassword to log in to
version_keyA string key for this version, can be matched with the result of the Download List Api method. Additional values "latest", "latest-quarterly" are also accepted.
platformthe string for the platform, should be one of ("download_windows", "download_linux_deb", "download_linux_rpm", "download_linux_tar, download_linux_arm64_deb, download_linux_arm64_rpm, download_linux_arm64_tar")

Possible responses:

HTTP CodeContent-TypeResponse Body
200application/octet-streama stream for the download
500text/plainInternal error

Create Comet-Hosted Server instance

Create a Comet-Hosted Server instance from the command line. This is an async action, It will return OK if the command is dispatched, but you need to check the server status to ensure it is ready for other operations. To be certain you should healthcheck the dns that will be created for the instance.

Request parameters:

Parameter nameValue
emailEmail address to log in to
passwordPassword to log in to
regionThe region which this instance should be created in I.E 'ap-southeast-2'.
subdomainSubdomain for the new Comet-Hosted Server instance.
server_nameServer Name for display in the accounts dashboard site

Possible responses:

HTTP CodeContent-TypeResponse Body
201application/json{ "status": "OK" }
403application/json{ "status": "error" }
500application/json{"status": "error" }

Get Comet-Hosted Server status

Returns the status, dns and admin crednetials for controlling the server

Request parameters:

Parameter nameValue
hosted_server_idthe identifier of the hosted server

Possible responses:

HTTP CodeContent-TypeResponse Body
200application/jsonThe API response with status "OK" and attached instance details
403application/json{ "status": "error" } The request is denied for authorization
500application/json{"status": "error" } There was an error with the request, report to Comet Support.

Sample instance status response:

"status": "OK",
"data": {
"hosted_server_id": "506",
"install_status": "Deleting server...",
"aws_status": "terminated",
"region_name": "ap-southeast-2",
"user_dns": "",
"created_at": "2020-04-20 15:02:10",
"date_deleted": "2020-04-29 10:50:30",
"admin_password": "<redacted>",
"admin_username": "admin",
"server_name": "hosted-server-3"

Terminate Comet-Hosted Server instance

Terminates a Comet-Hosted Server instance

Request parameters:

Parameter nameValue
hosted_server_idthe identifier of the hosted server

Possible responses:

HTTP CodeContent-TypeResponse Body
202application/json{ "status": "OK"} The command has been dispatched, and the server will be terminated eventually
403application/json{ "status": "error" } The request is denied for authorization
500application/json{"status": "error" } There was an error with the request, report to Comet Support.

List Comet-Hosted Server instances

List Comet-Hosted Server instances

Request parameters:

Parameter nameValue
offsetthe offset to start returning results from, by default this is 0
limitthe number of instances to return, by default this is 100

Possible responses:

HTTP CodeContent-TypeResponse Body
200application/json{ "status": "OK", "data":[]} contains a data array of the results, a result item matches what is returned for querying a single Comet Go! instance status
403application/json{ "status": "error" } The request is denied for authorization
500application/json{"status": "error" } There was an error with the request, report to Comet Support.

Two-Factor Authentication for the Comet Server API

We would recommend against using two-factor authentication for the Comet API. It is possible to do this, but (A) it's not really meaningful for an automated process to have two factors of authentication; and also (B) it's not currently supported by our PHP SDK on GitHub.

We would recommend creating a new Comet Server admin account just for API purposes with a long random password.

Advanced usage

If it's really seriously needed, it is possible to make any of the API requests using these authentication types: any Comet Server API request needs to be authenticated, and you can authenticate by setting the AuthType parameter to any one of Password, SessionKey, PasswordTOTP, or PasswordU2F; the latter two (TOTP / U2F) being the two currently supported methods of two-factor authentication in Comet Server.

We would suggest only using PasswordTOTP and PasswordU2F only with the AdminAccountSessionStart API, that will give you a single SessionKey token to use with other API calls. Performing the entire TOTP / U2F handshake on every API call is probably an unreasonable amount of overhead. To authenticate using SessionKey mode, the API request should contain a valid SessionKey parameter that you get from the AdminAccountSessionStart API back in the SessionKeyRegeneratedResponse response structure.

To authenticate using Password mode, the API request should contain a valid Password parameter (of the admin account's password), as per the examples in . Then, if a password-only is insufficient for the account, the API will respond with a HTTP 449 status ("Retry With"), and a X-Comet-TOTP-Requested: 1 header or a X-Comet-U2F-Challenge: ... header. You should use this information to determine if a TOTP or U2F login is suitable.

To authenticate using PasswordTOTP mode, the API request should contain both a valid Password parameter (of the admin account's password) and a valid TOTP parameter. A TOTP code is a 6-digit number that changes every 30 seconds. Both the client and server calculate it from a shared secret. You should find the current secret by decoding the QR code for the user, and then use a library in your programming language to generate the current 6-digit value for the current timestamp.

To authenticate using PasswordU2F mode, the API request should contain a valid Password parameter (of the admin account's password) and a valid U2FSign POST parameter. You can use the information from the previous X-Comet-U2F-Challenge response header, to generate a U2F signature with your U2F hardware device, and fill in the U2FSign POST parameter as a U2FSignResponse struct in JSON encoding.

Custom Remote Bucket

The "Custom Remote Bucket" is a possible Storage Template option in the Comet Server configuration settings. The Storage Template system allows administrators and authorized users to easily provision new, private per-user Storage Vaults inside a user account that are attached to a real storage location created by the storage provider.

As well as the built-in provider types for allocating Comet Server Storage Role, Backblaze B2, or Wasabi buckets, you can use the "IAM-compatible" or "Custom Remote Bucket" provider type to implement a custom storage location.

This is of interest for MSPs that want to bring an advanced direct-to-cloud storage option, or storage providers that want to develop an integration that easily plugs into Comet Servers to provide direct-to-cloud storage. The resulting Storage Vault can use any storage protocol supported by Comet, such as S3-compatible, Local Path, or SFTP.

To use this feature, you should provide a URL endpoint.

  • Comet Server will make an HTTP POST request to your configured endpoint
  • Your endpoint should respond with a HTTP 2xx status code.
  • Your endpoint should respond with a DestinationLocation structure in JSON format
  • Comet Server will add the resulting DestinationLocation structure into the requesting user's profile as a new Storage Vault.

Sample endpoint implementation (Python)

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is an example script to show how Comet Server can request custom
# buckets from a web server script
# Usage:
# 1. python3 ./
# 2. Set up a Custom Remote Bucket in Comet Server using the URL:
# Configuration:

BIND_IP = "" # could be any IP; leave blank to bind to all IP addresses
BIND_PORT = 8000


import http.server
import socketserver

# CustomRemoteBucketHandler is the HTTP server that is able to respond to
# Comet Server's requests when they happen.
class CustomRemoteBucketHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

def __init__(self, request, client_addr, server):
"""Boilerplate for a custom HTTP service"""
super().__init__(request, client_addr, server)

def do_GET(self):
"""Handle GET requests (regular page loads)"""
if self.path == "/":

def do_POST(self):
"""Handle POST requests (form submissions)"""
if self.path == "/request-bucket":

def do_homepage(self):
"""Render the home page for users who visit this server directly"""
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html;charset=UTF-8')
self.wfile.write("""<!DOCTYPE html>
<p style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">
This is a test server for the custom remote bucket feature! Not to be used directly!

def do_requestBucket(self):
"""Accept a Custom Remote Bucket request from Comet Server"""
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

# Talk to your storage platform to allocate new access credentials

# Respond with a Comet DestinationLocation object in JSON format
# The DestinationType should be a DESTINATIONTYPE_ number from
# Use any of the keys from
"DestinationType": 1000,
"S3Server": "",
"S3UsesTLS": false,
"S3AccessKey": "",
"S3SecretKey": "",
"S3BucketName": "",
"S3Subdir": "",
"S3UsesV2Signing": false

# Application starts up here if it is run directly
if __name__ == "__main__":
with socketserver.TCPServer((BIND_IP, BIND_PORT), CustomRemoteBucketHandler) as httpd:
print("Serving at %s:%s..." % (BIND_IP, BIND_PORT))

Sample endpoint implementation (PHP)


// This is an example script to show how Comet Server can request custom buckets from a web server script.
// Save this file as request-bucket.php

header("HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid Request");
die('Expected POST');

// Talk to your storage platform to allocate new access credentials

$result = [
DestinationType => 1000,
S3Server => "",
S3UsesTLS => false,
S3AccessKey => "",
S3SecretKey => "",
S3BucketName => "",
S3Subdir => "",
S3UsesV2Signing => false

header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($result);