API Constants
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
APPLICATION_VERSION | string | "25.3.1" | |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
BACKUPJOBAUTORETENTION_AUTOMATIC | int | 0 | AutoRetentionLevel: The system will automatically choose how often to run an automatic Retention Pass after each backup job. |
BACKUPJOBAUTORETENTION_IMMEDIATE | int | 1 | AutoRetentionLevel: The system will run a Retention Pass after every single backup job. This is more system-intensive, but is the most responsive at freeing storage space. |
BACKUPJOBAUTORETENTION_MORE_OFTEN | int | 2 | AutoRetentionLevel: The system will follow the automatic ruleset for a 'High Power' device. |
BACKUPJOBAUTORETENTION_LESS_OFTEN | int | 3 | AutoRetentionLevel: The system will follow the automatic ruleset for a 'Low Power' device. |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
BRANDINGSTYLETYPE_AUTO_LEGACY | int | 0 | If set, will be automatically replaced with one of the other BRANDINGSTYLETYPE_ constants after next server upgrade. |
BRANDINGSTYLETYPE_DEFAULT | int | 1 | Use Comet company branding and colours for all web interface branding |
BRANDINGSTYLETYPE_CUSTOM_TEXT | int | 2 | Use custom branding and colours, with text in the main logo area. |
BRANDINGSTYLETYPE_CUSTOM_LOGO | int | 3 | Use custom branding and colours, with a supplied image in the main logo area. |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
CLIENTBRANDINGBUILD_CUSTOM | int | 0 | ClientBrandingBuildMode: The software client will be custom-built by this Comet Server, allowing custom branding, default server URL, and codesigning. |
CLIENTBRANDINGBUILD_PREBUILT | int | 1 | ClientBrandingBuildMode: A pre-built software client will be served, with Comet-branding, no server URL, and Comet codesigning. |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
COMPRESS_INVALID | int | 0 | CompressMode |
COMPRESS_LVL_1 | int | 1 | CompressMode |
COMPRESS_LVL_2 | int | 2 | CompressMode |
COMPRESS_LVL_3 | int | 3 | CompressMode |
COMPRESS_LVL_4 | int | 4 | CompressMode |
COMPRESS_LVL_5 | int | 5 | CompressMode |
COMPRESS_MAX | int | COMPRESS_LVL_5 | CompressMode |
COMPRESS_DEFAULT | int | COMPRESS_LVL_4 | CompressMode |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
CUSTOMREMOTEBUCKET_CUSTOMBODY_NONE | string | "none" | CustomRemoteBucketCustomBodyType |
CUSTOMREMOTEBUCKET_CUSTOMBODY_JSON | string | "json" | CustomRemoteBucketCustomBodyType |
CUSTOMREMOTEBUCKET_CUSTOMBODY_URLENC | string | "urlencoded" | CustomRemoteBucketCustomBodyType |
CUSTOMREMOTEBUCKET_CUSTOMBODY_FORM | string | "form" | CustomRemoteBucketCustomBodyType |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
DEFAULT_RETRY_COUNT | int | 1 | This const is available in Comet 24.6.6 and later. The number of retry attempts a backup job can do |
DEFAULT_RETRY_TIME | int | 30 | This const is available in Comet 24.6.6 and later. The number of minutes between backup job retry attempts |
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE | string | "en_US" | LanguageCode |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
DESTINATIONTYPE_S3 | int | 1000 | S3-compatible, or a specific S3 service such as AWS S3, Wasabi, or iDrive e2 |
DESTINATIONTYPE_SFTP | int | 1001 | SFTP protocol |
DESTINATIONTYPE_LOCALCOPY | int | 1002 | Local Path |
DESTINATIONTYPE_COMET | int | 1003 | The Comet Server Storage Role protocol |
DESTINATIONTYPE_FTP | int | 1004 | FTP protocol |
DESTINATIONTYPE_AZUREBLOB | int | 1005 | Azure Blob Storage |
DESTINATIONTYPE_SPANNED | int | 1006 | Spanned |
DESTINATIONTYPE_SWIFT | int | 1007 | Openstack Swift |
DESTINATIONTYPE_B2 | int | 1008 | Backblaze B2 (Native API) |
DESTINATIONTYPE_STORJ | int | 1009 | Storj |
DESTINATIONTYPE_SMB | int | 1011 | SMB Path |
DESTINATIONTYPE_LATEST | int | 1100 | When defining a schedule via policy, use this option to dynamically select the Storage Vault that was created most recently. |
DESTINATIONTYPE_ALL | int | 1101 | When defining a schedule via policy, use this option to create a schedule for each Storage Vault in the user's profile. |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
EMAIL_WORKER_STATE_NOT_STARTED | int | 0 | The Comet Server is still starting up and has not yet checked whether any email reports are due to be sent. |
EMAIL_WORKER_STATE_STARTED | int | 1 | The Comet Server is still starting up and has not yet checked whether any email reports are due to be sent. |
EMAIL_WORKER_STATE_CALCULATING | int | 2 | The Comet Server is currently searching through email report configuration, to determine when the next email report is due to be sent. |
EMAIL_WORKER_STATE_WAITING | int | 3 | The Comet Server knows when the next scheduled email report is due to be sent, and is waiting until that time. |
EMAIL_WORKER_STATE_SENDING | int | 4 | The Comet Server is currently sending a scheduled email report. |
EMAIL_DELIVERY_INHERIT | string | "" | EmailDeliveryType: If this is for the top-level Organization, email is disabled. If this is for an Organization, use the parent's email settings. |
EMAIL_DELIVERY_MX_DIRECT | string | "builtin" | EmailDeliveryType |
EMAIL_DELIVERY_SMTP | string | "smtp" | EmailDeliveryType |
EMAIL_DELIVERY_SMTP_SSL | string | "smtp-ssl" | EmailDeliveryType |
EMAIL_DELIVERY_DISABLED | string | "disabled" | EmailDeliveryType |
EMAIL_DELIVERY_NONE | string | EMAIL_DELIVERY_INHERIT | Deprecated since Comet version 22.12.1 EmailDeliveryType: Legacy alias for EMAIL_DELIVERY_INHERIT |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
EMAILREPORTTYPE_IMMEDIATE | int | 0 | EmailReportType |
EMAILREPORTTYPE_SUMMARY | int | 1 | EmailReportType |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
ENGINE_BUILTIN_FILE | string | "engine1/file" | Files and Folders |
ENGINE_BUILTIN_STDOUT | string | "engine1/stdout" | Program Output |
ENGINE_BUILTIN_MYSQL | string | "engine1/mysql" | MySQL |
ENGINE_BUILTIN_SYSTEMSTATE | string | "engine1/systemstate" | Windows Server System State |
ENGINE_BUILTIN_MSSQL | string | "engine1/mssql" | Microsoft SQL Server |
ENGINE_BUILTIN_WINDOWSSYSTEM | string | "engine1/windowssystem" | Windows System Backup, deprecated from version 24.12.2 |
ENGINE_BUILTIN_EXCHANGEEDB | string | "engine1/exchangeedb" | Microsoft Exchange Server |
ENGINE_BUILTIN_VSSWRITER | string | "engine1/vsswriter" | Application-Aware Writer |
ENGINE_BUILTIN_HYPERV | string | "engine1/hyperv" | Microsoft Hyper-V |
ENGINE_BUILTIN_WINDISK | string | "engine1/windisk" | Disk Image |
ENGINE_BUILTIN_MONGODB | string | "engine1/mongodb" | MongoDB |
ENGINE_BUILTIN_MSOFFICE | string | "engine1/winmsofficemail" | Office 365 |
ENGINE_BUILTIN_VMWARE | string | "engine1/vmware" | VMware |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
FTPS_MODE_PLAINTEXT | int | 0 | FtpsModeType: Use plain FTP, do not use FTPS. |
FTPS_MODE_IMPLICIT | int | 1 | FtpsModeType: Use implicit FTPS, immediately creating a secure SSL/TLS channel before any data is sent. This usually requires a different port on the FTP server. It is generally advised to use explicit mode instead. |
FTPS_MODE_EXPLICIT | int | 2 | FtpsModeType: Use explicit FTPS, first creating an insecure connection and then upgrading to SSL/TLS using AUTH TLS (like STARTTLS). |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
HYPERV_METHOD_VSS | string | "vss" | HypervMethod: Back up Hyper-V virtual machines using VSS mode. This includes all previous snapshots. |
HYPERV_METHOD_WMI_COPY | string | "copy" | This const is available in Comet 23.9.8 and later. HypervMethod: Back up Hyper-V virtual machines using WMI mode. This includes the latest snapshot data only. |
HYPERV_METHOD_WMI_CBT | string | "wmi" | This const is available in Comet 23.9.8 and later. HypervMethod: Back up Hyper-V virtual machines using WMI mode with RCT acceleration. This includes the latest snapshot data only. |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION__MIN | int | 4000 | JobClassification: All BackupJobDetail.Classification fields will fall in the 4xxx range. |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION_UNKNOWN | int | 4000 | JobClassification |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION_BACKUP | int | 4001 | JobClassification: This is a backup job. |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION_RESTORE | int | 4002 | JobClassification: This is a restore job. |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION_RETENTION | int | 4003 | JobClassification: Automatic or manual retention cleaning pass. |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION_UNLOCK | int | 4004 | JobClassification: Another process needed exclusive Vault access (e.g. for retention) but the process died. This task cleans up exclusive lockfiles. |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION_DELETE_CUSTOM | int | 4005 | JobClassification: A specific snapshot has been deleted via the Restore wizard. |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION_REMEASURE | int | 4006 | JobClassification: Explicitly re-measuring the size of a Vault (right-click > Advanced menu). |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION_UPDATE | int | 4007 | JobClassification: Software update |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION_IMPORT | int | 4008 | JobClassification: Importing settings from another installed product |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION_REINDEX | int | 4009 | JobClassification: Repair indexes |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION_DEEPVERIFY | int | 4010 | JobClassification: Deep Verify |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION_UNINSTALL | int | 4011 | JobClassification: Software uninstall |
JOB_CLASSIFICATION__MAX | int | 4999 | JobClassification |
JOB_STATUS_STOP_SUCCESS__MIN | int | 5000 | JobStatus: If the BackupJobDetail.Status field is a 5xxx code, the job has stopped for a successful reason. |
JOB_STATUS_STOP_SUCCESS | int | 5000 | JobStatus: The job is complete and was successful. |
JOB_STATUS_STOP_SUCCESS__MAX | int | 5999 | JobStatus |
JOB_STATUS_RUNNING__MIN | int | 6000 | JobStatus: If the BackupJobDetail.Status field is a 6xxx code, the job is still running. |
JOB_STATUS_RUNNING_INDETERMINATE | int | 6000 | JobStatus: Unused |
JOB_STATUS_RUNNING_ACTIVE | int | 6001 | JobStatus: The last information the server received from the device is that the job is currently running. |
JOB_STATUS_RUNNING_REVIVED | int | 6002 | JobStatus: The job was thought to have been in an Abandoned state but updated the Comet Server with a running status. |
JOB_STATUS_RUNNING_TRYAGAIN | int | 6003 | JobStatus: The job has encountered an error and will wait to retry. |
JOB_STATUS_RUNNING__MAX | int | 6999 | JobStatus |
JOB_STATUS_FAILED__MIN | int | 7000 | JobStatus: If the BackupJobDetail.Status field is a 7xxx code, the job has stopped for an unsuccessful reason. |
JOB_STATUS_FAILED_TIMEOUT | int | 7000 | JobStatus |
JOB_STATUS_FAILED_WARNING | int | 7001 | JobStatus: The job is complete but there was a problem that may have resulted in issues with the expected result. |
JOB_STATUS_FAILED_ERROR | int | 7002 | JobStatus: There was an error during the job and it did not fully complete. |
JOB_STATUS_FAILED_QUOTA | int | 7003 | JobStatus: During a backup job either the "All protected items" quota or "Storage Vault" quota was exceeded. |
JOB_STATUS_FAILED_SCHEDULEMISSED | int | 7004 | JobStatus: The job did not start at its scheduled time. |
JOB_STATUS_FAILED_CANCELLED | int | 7005 | JobStatus: The job was cancelled manually, a device shutdown was detected, or the backup time limit was reached. |
JOB_STATUS_FAILED_SKIPALREADYRUNNING | int | 7006 | JobStatus: The backup job was skipped as there was already a backup running and the "Skip if already running" option was enabled. |
JOB_STATUS_FAILED_ABANDONED | int | 7007 | JobStatus: The job has stopped unexpectedly or has been manually marked as abandoned by an admin. |
JOB_STATUS_FAILED__MAX | int | 7999 | JobStatus |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
LDAPSECURITYMETHOD_PLAIN | string | "plain" | LDAPSecurityMethod |
LDAPSECURITYMETHOD_LDAPS | string | "ldaps" | LDAPSecurityMethod |
LDAPSECURITYMETHOD_STARTTLS | string | "starttls" | LDAPSecurityMethod |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
MACOSCODESIGN_LEVEL_SIGN | int | 0 | MacOSCodesignLevel: Sign only |
MACOSCODESIGN_LEVEL_SIGN_NOTARISE | int | 1 | MacOSCodesignLevel: Sign and notarize |
MACOSCODESIGN_LEVEL_SIGN_NOTARISE_STAPLE | int | 2 | MacOSCodesignLevel: Sign, notarize, and staple |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
MIN_BUILD_NUMBER_WIN_SERVER_2016 | int | 14393 | |
MIN_BUILD_NUMBER_WIN_10 | int | 10240 |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
MONGODB_DEFAULT_PORT | int | 27017 |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
MSSQL_AUTH_WINDOWS | string | "windows" | MSSQLAuthMode |
MSSQL_AUTH_NATIVE | string | "native" | MSSQLAuthMode |
MSSQL_METHOD_OLEDB_NATIVE | string | "OLEDB_NATIVE" | MSSQLMethod: On Windows x86_64, use the native x86_64 driver. |
MSSQL_METHOD_OLEDB_32 | string | "OLEDB_32" | MSSQLMethod: On Windows x86_64, use an x86_32 OLEDB driver. |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
NEW_STORAGE_VAULT_MODE_USER | string | "user_controlled" | Used in policy to define that the automatic Storage Vaults for new devices is not enforced by the policy |
NEW_STORAGE_VAULT_MODE_NONE | string | "none" | No Storage Vault will be created when a new device is added |
NEW_STORAGE_VAULT_MODE_SERVER | string | "server_controlled" | When a new device is added, a Storage Vault will be created using the servers default Storage Template |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
OBJECT_LOCK_LEGACY | int | 0 | Deprecated since Comet version 23.x.x Enable Object Lock capability if the corresponding Days field is greater than zero. New code should explicitly use OBJECT_LOCK_ON / OBJECT_LOCK_OFF instead. |
OBJECT_LOCK_ON | int | 1 | |
OBJECT_LOCK_OFF | int | 2 |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
OFFICE365_REGION_PUBLIC | string | "GlobalPublicCloud" | |
OFFICE365_REGION_CHINA | string | "ChinaCloud" | |
OFFICE365_REGION_GERMANY | string | "GermanCloud" | |
OFFICE365_REGION_US_GOVT | string | "USGovtGccCloud" | |
OFFICE365_REGION_US_DOD | string | "USGovtGccDoDCloud" |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
OS_ANY | int | 0 | ExtraFileExclusionOSRestriction: Applies to any device |
OS_ONLY_WINDOWS | int | 1 | ExtraFileExclusionOSRestriction: Applies to all Windows devices, regardless of CPU type |
OS_ONLY_WINDOWS_X8632 | int | 2 | ExtraFileExclusionOSRestriction: Applies to Windows devices with x86_32 CPU |
OS_ONLY_WINDOWS_X8664 | int | 3 | ExtraFileExclusionOSRestriction: Applies to Windows devices with x86_64 CPU |
OS_ONLY_MACOS | int | 4 | ExtraFileExclusionOSRestriction: Applies to macOS devices, regardless of CPU type |
OS_ONLY_LINUX | int | 5 | ExtraFileExclusionOSRestriction: Applies to Linux devices (including Synology DSM), regardless of CPU type |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
PASSWORD_FORMAT_PLAINTEXT | int | 0 | When resetting a password with the API, set the PasswordFormat to this value. The Comet Server will re-hash the credential automatically. |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
PROVIDER_GENERIC | string | "oidc" | OidcProvider |
PROVIDER_AZUREADV2 | string | "azure-ad-v2" | OidcProvider |
PROVIDER_GOOGLE | string | "google" | OidcProvider |
PROVIDER_DASHBOARD | string | "dashboard" | OidcProvider |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
PSA_TYPE_GENERIC | int | 0 | PSAType |
PSA_TYPE_GRADIENT | int | 1 | PSAType |
PSA_TYPE_SYNCRO | int | 2 | PSAType |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
RELEASE_CODENAME | string | "Voyager" |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
REMOTESERVER_COMET | string | "comet" | RemoteServerType: Comet Server |
REMOTESERVER_COMET_STORAGE | string | "cometstorage" | RemoteServerType: Comet Storage powered by Wasabi |
REMOTESERVER_LDAP | string | "ldap" | RemoteServerType: LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) |
REMOTESERVER_OIDC | string | "oidc" | RemoteServerType: OpenID Connect |
REMOTESERVER_B2 | string | "b2" | RemoteServerType: Backblaze B2 |
REMOTESERVER_WASABI | string | "wasabi" | RemoteServerType: Wasabi Cloud Storage |
REMOTESERVER_CUSTOM | string | "custom" | RemoteServerType: Custom Remote Bucket HTTP protocol |
REMOTESERVER_S3_GENERIC | string | "s3" | RemoteServerType: Custom IAM-Compatible |
REMOTESERVER_AWS | string | "aws" | RemoteServerType: Amazon Web Services |
REMOTESERVER_STORJ | string | "storj" | RemoteServerType: Storj DCS |
REMOTESERVER_IDRIVEE2 | string | "idrivee2" | RemoteServerType: IDrive e2 |
REMOTESERVER_IMPOSSIBLECLOUD_PARTNER | string | "impossiblecloud-partner" | RemoteServerType: Impossible Cloud (Partner API) |
REMOTESERVER_IMPOSSIBLECLOUD_IAM | string | "impossiblecloud-iam" | RemoteServerType: Impossible Cloud |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
REPLICATOR_STATE_NONE | int | 0 | ReplicatorState |
REPLICATOR_STATE_WORKERS_STARTED | int | 8 | ReplicatorState |
REPLICATOR_DISPLAYCLASS_STORAGE | int | 100 | ReplicatorDisplayClass |
REPLICATOR_DISPLAYCLASS_USER | int | 101 | ReplicatorDisplayClass |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
RESTOREARCHIVEFORMAT_TAR | int | 0 | RestoreArchiveFormat: Tar file format |
RESTOREARCHIVEFORMAT_TARGZ | int | 1 | RestoreArchiveFormat: Compressed Tar.gz (.tgz) file format |
RESTOREARCHIVEFORMAT_ZIP | int | 2 | RestoreArchiveFormat: Zip file format |
RESTOREARCHIVEFORMAT_SQFS | int | 3 | RestoreArchiveFormat: SquashFS container |
RESTOREARCHIVEFORMAT_TARZSTD | int | 4 | RestoreArchiveFormat: Compressed Tar.zstd (.tzst) file format |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
RESTORETYPE_INVALID | int | -1 | RestoreType |
RESTORETYPE_FILE | int | 0 | RestoreType: Restore as files and folders |
RESTORETYPE_NULL | int | 1 | RestoreType: Download and reconstruct files, but do not save them (for test purposes) |
RESTORETYPE_PROCESS_PERFILE | int | 2 | RestoreType: Stream each restored file into the target command stdin. The target command may be executed multiple times, once for each restored file. |
RESTORETYPE_PROCESS_ARCHIVE | int | 3 | RestoreType: Stream an archive of each restored file into the target command stdin. The target command will be executed only once. |
RESTORETYPE_WINDISK | int | 4 | RestoreType: Restore partitions back to the physical disk |
RESTORETYPE_FILE_ARCHIVE | int | 5 | RestoreType: Restore selected files and folders as a single compressed archive |
RESTORETYPE_OFFICE365_CLOUD | int | 6 | RestoreType: Restore selected Office 365 emails, contacts, calendars, and SharePoint/OneDrive data directly to the Office 365 cloud service |
RESTORETYPE_VMDK_FILE | int | 7 | RestoreType: Granular restore of single files from within a Disk Image or Hyper-V backup |
RESTORETYPE_VMDK_FILE_NULL | int | 8 | RestoreType: Granular restore of single files from within a Disk Image or Hyper-V backup, downloading and reconstructing files, but without saving them (for test purposes) |
RESTORETYPE_VMDK_FILE_ARCHIVE | int | 9 | RestoreType: Granular restore of single files from within a Disk Image or Hyper-V backup, creating an archive file of all selected files |
RESTORETYPE_MYSQL | int | 10 | RestoreType: Stream restore as SQL statements into a target MySQL server |
RESTORETYPE_MSSQL | int | 11 | RestoreType: Stream restore as T-SQL BACKUP output into a target Microsoft SQL Server |
RESTORETYPE_WINDISK_ESXI | int | 12 | RestoreType: Restore disk image backup as VMware-compatible virtual disks |
RESTORETYPE_WINDISK_VHDX | int | 13 | RestoreType: Restore disk image backup as Hyper-V-compatible virtual disks (.vhdx format) |
RESTORETYPE_VMHOST | int | 14 | This const is available in Comet 24.12.x and later. RestoreType: Restore virtual machines directly to hypervisor |
RESTORETYPE_PROCESS_TARBALL | int | 3 | RestoreType: Legacy name alias - Prefer to use RESTORETYPEPROCESS_ARCHIVE since multiple archive file formats are supported within this single RESTORETYPE |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
RETENTIONMODE_KEEP_EVERYTHING | int | 801 | RetentionMode: If this mode is set in a RetentionPolicy, then RetentionPolicy.Ranges should be ignored. |
RETENTIONMODE_DELETE_EXCEPT | int | 802 | RetentionMode: Delete everything except for jobs matching the ranges in RetentionPolicy.Ranges. |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
RETENTIONRANGE__LOWEST | int | 900 | RetentionRangeType |
RETENTIONRANGE_MOST_RECENT_X_JOBS | int | 900 | RetentionRangeType: Uses Jobs |
RETENTIONRANGE_NEWER_THAN_X | int | 901 | RetentionRangeType: Uses Timestamp |
RETENTIONRANGE_JOBS_SINCE | int | 902 | RetentionRangeType: Uses Days, Weeks, Months, Years |
RETENTIONRANGE_FIRST_JOB_FOR_EACH_LAST_X_DAYS | int | 903 | RetentionRangeType: Uses Days |
RETENTIONRANGE__RESERVED904 | int | 904 | Deprecated since Comet version 17.2.0 RetentionRangeType |
RETENTIONRANGE_FIRST_JOB_FOR_LAST_X_MONTHS | int | 905 | RetentionRangeType: Uses Months, MonthOffset |
RETENTIONRANGE_FIRST_JOB_FOR_LAST_X_WEEKS | int | 906 | RetentionRangeType: Uses Weeks, WeekOffset |
RETENTIONRANGE_LAST_X_BACKUPS_ONE_FOR_EACH_DAY | int | 907 | RetentionRangeType: Uses Jobs |
RETENTIONRANGE_LAST_X_BACKUPS_ONE_FOR_EACH_WEEK | int | 908 | RetentionRangeType: Uses Jobs |
RETENTIONRANGE_LAST_X_BACKUPS_ONE_FOR_EACH_MONTH | int | 909 | RetentionRangeType: Uses Jobs |
RETENTIONRANGE_LAST_X_BACKUPS_ONE_FOR_EACH_YEAR | int | 910 | RetentionRangeType: Uses Jobs |
RETENTIONRANGE_FIRST_JOB_FOR_LAST_X_YEARS | int | 911 | RetentionRangeType: Uses Years, YearOffset |
RETENTIONRANGE__HIGHEST | int | 911 | RetentionRangeType |
RETENTIONRANGE_MAXINT | int | 1125899906842624 |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
SCHEDULE_FREQUENCY_ONCEONLY | int | 8010 | SecondsPast should be a Unix timestamp, in seconds |
SCHEDULE_FREQUENCY_DAILY | int | 8011 | SecondsPast is the number of seconds past 00:00, in the device's local timezone. |
SCHEDULE_FREQUENCY_HOURLY | int | 8012 | SecondsPast is the number of seconds past *:00, in the device's local timezone. |
SCHEDULE_FREQUENCY_WEEKLY | int | 8013 | SecondsPast is the number of seconds past 00:00 Sunday, in the device's local timezone. |
SCHEDULE_FREQUENCY_MONTHLY | int | 8014 | SecondsPast is the number of seconds past 00:00 1st, in the device's local timezone. |
SCHEDULE_FREQUENCY_PERIODIC | int | 8015 | SecondsPast is the number of seconds per period. Offset: Shunt seconds after unix epoch |
SCHEDULE_FREQUENCY_YEARLY | int | 8016 | SecondsPast is the number of seconds past 00:00 1st, in the device's local timezone. |
SCHEDULE_MAX_RANDOM_DELAY_SECS | int | 18000 | Maximum random delay (5 hours) |
SCHEDULE_MAXINT | int | 1125899906842624 |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
SEARCHCLAUSE_RULE | string | "" | SearchClauseType: The search clause is an explicit rule |
SEARCHCLAUSE_AND | string | "and" | SearchClauseType: All of the ClauseChildren must match |
SEARCHCLAUSE_OR | string | "or" | SearchClauseType: At least one of the ClauseChildren must match |
SEARCHCLAUSE_NOT_AND | string | "not_and" | SearchClauseType |
SEARCHCLAUSE_NOT_OR | string | "not_or" | SearchClauseType |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_EQ | string | "str_eq" | String equals (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_NEQ | string | "str_neq" | String does not equal (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_CONTAINS | string | "str_contains" | String contains anywhere (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_NCONTAINS | string | "str_ncontains" | String does not contain anywhere (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_STARTSWITH | string | "str_startswith" | String starts with prefix (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_NSTARTSWITH | string | "str_nstartswith" | String does not start with prefix (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_ENDSWITH | string | "str_endswith" | String ends with suffix (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_NENDSWITH | string | "str_nendswith" | String does not end with suffix (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_EQ_CI | string | "str_eq_ci" | String equals (case insensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_NEQ_CI | string | "str_neq_ci" | String does not equal (case insensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_CONTAINS_CI | string | "str_contains_ci" | String contains anywhere (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_NCONTAINS_CI | string | "str_ncontains_ci" | String does not contain anywhere (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_STARTSWITH_CI | string | "str_startswith_ci" | String starts with prefix (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_NSTARTSWITH_CI | string | "str_nstartswith_ci" | String does not start with (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_ENDSWITH_CI | string | "str_endswith_ci" | String ends with suffix (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_NENDSWITH_CI | string | "str_nendswith_ci" | String does not end with suffix (case sensitive) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_REGEXMATCH | string | "str_regexmatch" | String matches provided regular expression (using Go regex syntax) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_STRING_NREGEXMATCH | string | "str_nregexmatch" | String does not match provided regular expression (using Go regex syntax) |
SEARCHOPERATOR_INT_EQ | string | "int_eq" | Integer field is equal to value |
SEARCHOPERATOR_INT_NEQ | string | "int_neq" | Integer field is not equal to value |
SEARCHOPERATOR_INT_GT | string | "int_gt" | Integer field is greater than value |
SEARCHOPERATOR_INT_GTE | string | "int_gte" | Integer field is greater than or equal to value |
SEARCHOPERATOR_INT_LT | string | "int_lt" | Integer field is less than value |
SEARCHOPERATOR_INT_LTE | string | "int_lte" | Integer field is less than or equal to value |
SEARCHOPERATOR_BOOL_IS | string | "bool_is" | Boolean field matches value |
SEARCHOPERATOR_BOOL_NIS | string | "bool_nis" | Boolean field does not match value |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
SERVICE_CALENDAR | int | 1 | 0000 0001. If this value is present in the bitset, then the Calendar service is selected for backup. |
SERVICE_CONTACT | int | 2 | 0000 0010. If this value is present in the bitset, then the Contact service is selected for backup. |
SERVICE_MAIL | int | 4 | 0000 0100. If this value is present in the bitset, then the Mail service is selected for backup. |
SERVICE_SHAREPOINT | int | 8 | 0000 1000. If this value is present in the bitset, then the SharePoint service is selected for backup. |
SERVICE_ONEDRIVE | int | 16 | 0001 0000. If this value is present in the bitset, then the OneDrive service is selected for backup. |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
SETTING_SYSTEM_DEFAULT | int | 0 | DefaultSettingMode |
SETTING_OPTIONAL_DEFAULT_ON | int | 1 | DefaultSettingMode |
SETTING_OPTIONAL_DEFAULT_OFF | int | 2 | DefaultSettingMode |
SETTING_ENFORCED_ON | int | 3 | DefaultSettingMode |
SETTING_ENFORCED_OFF | int | 4 | DefaultSettingMode |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
SEVERITY_DEBUG | string | "D" | Severity |
SEVERITY_INFO | string | "I" | Severity |
SEVERITY_WARNING | string | "W" | Severity |
SEVERITY_ERROR | string | "E" | Severity |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
SEVT__MIN | int | 4000 | StreamableEventType |
SEVT_META_HELLO | int | 4000 | StreamableEventType: New event stream connection. Data is typically ServerMetaVersionInfo |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_NEW | int | 4100 | StreamableEventType: User created. Data is the profile object |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_REMOVED | int | 4101 | StreamableEventType: User deleted |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_UPDATED | int | 4102 | StreamableEventType: User updated. Data is the profile object |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_LOGIN | int | 4103 | StreamableEventType: User authentication succeeded. Only emitted for non-session requests. Resource is the requested path |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_FAILED | int | 4104 | StreamableEventType: User authentication failed. Only emitted if the user exists. Resource is the requested path |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_SESSION_START | int | 4105 | StreamableEventType: User session token created. Data is the session object |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_SESSION_REVOKE | int | 4106 | StreamableEventType: User session token deleted |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_SESSION_EXPIRE | int | 4107 | StreamableEventType: User session token expired |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_NEW | int | 4150 | StreamableEventType: Admin created. Data is the profile object |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_REMOVED | int | 4151 | StreamableEventType: Admin deleted |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_UPDATED | int | 4152 | StreamableEventType: Admin updated |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_LOGIN | int | 4153 | StreamableEventType: Admin authentication succeeded. Only emitted for non-session requests. Resource is the requested path |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_LOGIN_FAILED | int | 4154 | StreamableEventType: Admin authentication failed. Only emitted if the admin exists. Resource is the request path |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_SESSION_START | int | 4155 | StreamableEventType: Admin session token created. Data is the session object |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_SESSION_REVOKE | int | 4156 | StreamableEventType: Admin session token deleted |
SEVT_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_SESSION_EXPIRE | int | 4157 | StreamableEventType: Admin session token expired |
SEVT_JOB_NEW | int | 4200 | StreamableEventType: New backup job started. Data is the job object |
SEVT_JOB_COMPLETED | int | 4201 | StreamableEventType: Backup job completed. Data is the job object |
SEVT_BUCKET_NEW | int | 4300 | StreamableEventType: New bucket created |
SEVT_BUCKET_REMOVED | int | 4301 | StreamableEventType: Bucket deleted |
SEVT_SERVER_STARTED | int | 4400 | StreamableEventType: Server started |
SEVT_SERVER_RESTARTED | int | 4401 | StreamableEventType: Server restarting (pending) |
SEVT_SERVER_SHUTDOWN | int | 4402 | StreamableEventType: Server shutting down (pending) |
SEVT_SERVER_UPDATED | int | 4403 | StreamableEventType: Server configuration has been updated. Data is the server config object |
SEVT_TENANT_NEW | int | 4500 | StreamableEventType: Tenant created. Data is the tenant object |
SEVT_TENANT_REMOVED | int | 4501 | StreamableEventType: Tenant deleted |
SEVT_TENANT_UPDATED | int | 4502 | StreamableEventType: Tenant updated. Data is the tenant object |
SEVT_POLICY_NEW | int | 4600 | StreamableEventType: Policy created. Data is the policy object |
SEVT_POLICY_REMOVED | int | 4601 | StreamableEventType: Policy deleted |
SEVT_POLICY_UPDATED | int | 4602 | StreamableEventType: Policy updated. Data is the policy object |
SEVT_DEVICE_NEW | int | 4700 | StreamableEventType: Device created. Data is device object |
SEVT_DEVICE_REMOVED | int | 4701 | StreamableEventType: Device deleted |
SEVT_DEVICE_LIVE_CONNECT | int | 4702 | StreamableEventType: Device live connection started |
SEVT_DEVICE_LIVE_DISCONNECT | int | 4703 | StreamableEventType: Device live connection ended |
SEVT_DEVICE_LOBBY_CONNECT | int | 4704 | StreamableEventType: Device connected to registration lobby |
SEVT_DEVICE_LOBBY_DISCONNECT | int | 4705 | StreamableEventType: Device disconnected from registration lobby |
SEVT_USERGROUP_NEW | int | 4800 | StreamableEventType: UserGroup created. |
SEVT_USERGROUP_REMOVED | int | 4801 | StreamableEventType: UserGroup deleted |
SEVT_USERGROUP_UPDATED | int | 4802 | StreamableEventType: UserGroup updated. |
SEVT__MAX | int | 4999 | StreamableEventType |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_FILE | string | "file" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_DIRECTORY | string | "dir" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_SYMLINK | string | "symlink" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_UNIXBLOCKDEVICE | string | "dev" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_UNIXCHARDEVICE | string | "chardev" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_UNIXFIFO | string | "fifo" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_UNIXSOCKET | string | "socket" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_WINEFS | string | "winefs" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_WINDOWSFILE | string | "winfile" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_WINDOWSDIR | string | "windir" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_EMAILMESSAGE | string | "emailmessage" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_EMAILFOLDER | string | "mailfolder" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_OFFICECONTACT | string | "contact" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_OFFICECONTACTFOLDER | string | "contactfolder" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_OFFICECALENDAREVENT | string | "calendarevent" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_OFFICECALENDAR | string | "calendar" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_MSSITE | string | "mssite" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_MSSITE_TEAM | string | "mssiteteam" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_MSSITELISTENTITY | string | "mssitelistentity" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_MSSITEITEMENTITY | string | "mssiteitementity" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_MSSITELISTDRIVEENTITY | string | "mssitelistdriveentity" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_VMDK_FILE | string | "vmdkfile" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_VMDK_DIRECTORY | string | "vmdkdir" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_VMDK_WINEFS | string | "vmdkwinefs" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_VMDK_SYMLINK | string | "vmdksymlink" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_VMDK_WINDEDUP | string | "vmdkwindedup" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_VIRTUALIMAGE_DISK | string | "virtualimagedisk" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_VHDX_GPT_PARTITION | string | "vhdxpartitiongpt" | StoredObjectType |
STOREDOBJECTTYPE_VHDX_MBR_PARTITION | string | "vhdxpartitionmbr" | StoredObjectType |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
STREAM_LEVEL_FULL | string | "full" | StreamLevel: Event data contains full data types |
STREAM_LEVEL_NONE | string | "none" | StreamLevel: Event data contains nothing |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
STREAMER_TYPE_INTERNAL | string | "internal" | StreamerType |
STREAMER_TYPE_WEBHOOK | string | "webhook" | StreamerType |
STREAMER_TYPE_WEBSOCKET | string | "websocket" | StreamerType |
STREAMER_TYPE_FILE | string | "file" | StreamerType |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
TOTPRequiredError | string | "ERR_TOTP_REQUIRED" | If an API response returns in failure, but it includes this value in the CometAPIResponseMessage->Message parameter, it indicates that your supplied authentication was insufficient, and you must supply additional two-factor authentication credentials. |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
UPDATESTATUS_NOT_SEEN | int | 0 | UpdateStatus |
UPDATESTATUS_INELIGIBLE | int | 1 | UpdateStatus: The selected device does not meet the filter criteria from the Bulk Update Campaign's configuration. |
UPDATESTATUS_PENDING | int | 2 | UpdateStatus |
UPDATESTATUS_REQUEST_MADE | int | 3 | UpdateStatus: The device has made a live connection and it meets the filter criteria. A live connection message has been sent asking it to perform the software upgrade. |
UPDATESTATUS_UPDATE_FAILED | int | 4 | UpdateStatus: An update signal was sent to the device, but when it reconnected, it did not advertise the target software version. It's likely that the update failed - please check the device's Update log for more information. |
UPDATESTATUS_UPDATE_CONFIRMED | int | 5 | UpdateStatus: The device has successfully updated to the target version. |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
UnknownDeviceError | string | "ERR_UNKNOWN_DEVICE" | If an API response returns in failure, but it includes this value in the CometAPIResponseMessage->Message parameter, it indicates that the specified Device ID was invalid or not found. |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
UnsupportVhdxFileSystem | string | "ERR_UNSUPPORT_VHDX_FILE_SYSTEM" |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
UnsupportVmdkFileSystem | string | "ERR_UNSUPPORT_VMDK_FILE_SYSTEM" |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
VMWARE_CONNECTION_SSH | string | "ssh" | Deprecated since Comet version 23.9.11 VMwareConnectionType |
VMWARE_CONNECTION_VSPHERE | string | "vsphere" | VMwareConnectionType |
VMWARE_SNAPSHOT_FAST | string | "" | VmwareSnapshotType |
VMWARE_SNAPSHOT_QUIESCE | string | "quiesce" | VmwareSnapshotType |
VMWARE_SNAPSHOT_MEMORY | string | "memory" | VmwareSnapshotType |
VMWARE_BACKUP_FULL | string | "full" | VmwareBackupType |
VMWARE_BACKUP_CBT | string | "cbt" | VmwareBackupType |
VMWARE_BACKUP_COPY | string | "copy" | Deprecated since Comet version 23.9.11 VmwareBackupType |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
VhdxPartitonReadErrMsg | string | "ERR_VHDX_PARTITION" |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
WEBAUTHN_DEVICE_TYPE__UNKNOWN | int | 0 | WebAuthnDeviceType |
WEBAUTHN_DEVICE_TYPE__ANDROID | int | 2 | WebAuthnDeviceType |
WEBAUTHN_DEVICE_TYPE__APPLE | int | 3 | WebAuthnDeviceType |
WEBAUTHN_DEVICE_TYPE__TPM_GENERIC | int | 4 | WebAuthnDeviceType |
WEBAUTHN_DEVICE_TYPE__TPM_WINDOWS | int | 5 | WebAuthnDeviceType |
WEBAUTHN_DEVICE_TYPE__TPM_LINUX | int | 6 | WebAuthnDeviceType |
Name | Type | Value | Comment |
WINDOWSCODESIGN_METHOD_AUTO | int | 0 | Deprecated since Comet version 23.3.0 WindowsCodesignMethod: When upgrading from a version of Comet Server prior to 23.3.0, this option will be automatically converted to a more specific type. |
WINDOWSCODESIGN_METHOD_DISABLED | int | 1 | WindowsCodesignMethod: Do not perform Authenticode codesigning |
WINDOWSCODESIGN_METHOD_PKCS12FILE | int | 2 | WindowsCodesignMethod: Use a configured PKCS#12 key file for Authenticode codesigning |
WINDOWSCODESIGN_METHOD_PKCS11HSM | int | 3 | WindowsCodesignMethod: Use a configured PKCS#11 hardware security module (HSM) for Authenticode codesigning |
WINDOWSCODESIGN_METHOD_AZUREKEYVAULT | int | 4 | WindowsCodesignMethod: Use a configured Azure Key Vault for Authenticode codesigning |