Changes compared to 24.12.4
New Features
Restore Hyper-V and VMware Protected Items directly into new Hyper-V virtual machines
Comet 24.12.5 introduces the ability to restore virtual machine Protected Items directly into new Hyper-V virtual machines.
This brings:
- Restore Windows & Linux virtual machines: Both Windows & Linux virtual machines can be restored.
- Faster VM Restores to Hyper-V: VMs are converted on the fly at restore time into a format Hyper-V can boot.
- VM Migrations: VMware (vSphere or VCenter) virtual machines can be restored to Hyper-V using Comet.
Direct restores into Hyper-V is available from the Comet Server web interface and from the Comet Backup desktop app. The following screenshots are from the Comet Server web interface.
NOTE: For direct Hyper-V restores, the Comet Backup desktop app must be running on the same endpoint as Hyper-V is installed on.
Restore Hyper-V and VMware Protected Items directly into new VMware (vSphere or VCenter) virtual machines
Comet 24.12.5 introduces the ability to restore virtual machine Protected Items directly into new VMware (vSphere or VCenter) virtual machines.
This brings:
- Restore Windows & Linux virtual machines: Both Windows & Linux virtual machines can be restored.
- Faster VM Restores to VMware: VMs are converted on the fly at restore time into a format VMware can boot.
- VM Migrations: Hyper-V virtual machines can be restored to VMware using Comet.
Direct restores into VMware (vSphere or VCenter) is available from the Comet Server web interface and from the Comet Backup desktop app. The following screenshots are from the Comet Server web interface.
Restore Disk Image Protected Items Directly into Hyper-V or VMware (vSphere or VCenter) virtual machines
Comet 24.12.5 introduces the ability to restore Disk Image Protected Items directly into a new Hyper-V or VMware (vSphere or VCenter) virtual machines.
This brings:
- Restore Windows & Linux: Both Windows & Linux Disk Image Protected Items can be restored.
- Physical to Virtual (P2V) Migrations: Physical devices can be migrated to virtual machines.
- Faster Disk Image Restores: Disk Image Protected Items can be restored to virtual environments, without requiring physical hardware.
Disk Image restores into Hyper-V or VMware (vSphere or VCenter) is available from the Comet Server web interface and from the Comet Backup desktop app. The following screenshot is from the Comet Server web interface.
Improved User Experience when deleting Default Protected Items created by Policy
Previously, deleting a default Protected Item from a Policy would delete the Protected Item from all Users and Devices the Policy is applied to. This meant it was impossible to remove the Default Protected Item from the Policy, but keep the Protected Item.
In Comet 24.12.5, new Comet Server web interface dialog prompts have been added to give admins greater control over what Default Protected Items should be kept and should be removed. This means admins can make changes to Policies at any time without impacting the Default Protected Items configured.