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API Methods

AdminAccountProperties: Retrieve properties about the current admin account

Some key parameters are obscured, but the obscured values are safely recognised by the corresponding AdminAccountSetProperties API.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminAccountRegenerateTotp: Generate a new TOTP secret

The secret is returned as a data-uri image of a QR code. The new secret is immediately applied to the current admin account.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminAccountSessionRevoke: Revoke a session key (log out)

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminAccountSessionStart: Generate a session key (log in)

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
SelfAddressstringExternal URL of this server (Optional)

AdminAccountSessionStartAsUser: Generate a session key for an end-user (log in as end-user)

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringTarget account username

AdminAccountSessionUpgrade: Upgrade a session key which is pending an MFA upgrade to a full session key

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
SessionKeystringThe session key to upgrade

AdminAccountSetProperties: Update settings for your own admin account

Updating your account password requires you to supply your current password. To set a new plaintext password, use a password format of 0 (PASSWORD_FORMAT_PLAINTEXT). This API does not currently allow you to modify your TOTP secret. In Comet 24.12.2 and later, this API can change the IPWhitelist field. Prior to this, changes to the IPWhitelist field were ignored.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
SecurityAdminSecurityOptions (JSON)Updated account properties

AdminAccountU2fRequestRegistrationChallenge: Register a new FIDO U2F token

Browser support for U2F is ending in February 2022. WebAuthn is backwards compatible with U2F keys, and Comet will automatically migrate existing U2F keys to allow their use with the WebAuthn endpoints.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

This API has no maintained endpoints.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
SelfAddressstringExternal URL of this server, used as U2F AppID and Facet

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/account/u2f/request-registration-challenge (>= 21.12.0) ("AdminAccountU2fRequestRegistrationChallenge")

AdminAccountU2fSubmitChallengeResponse: Register a new FIDO U2F token

Browser support for U2F is ending in February 2022. WebAuthn is backwards compatible with U2F keys, and Comet will automatically migrate existing U2F keys to allow their use with the WebAuthn endpoints.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

This API has no maintained endpoints.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
U2FChallengeIDstringAssociated value from AdminAccountU2fRequestRegistrationChallenge API
U2FClientDatastringU2F response data supplied by hardware token
U2FRegistrationDatastringU2F response data supplied by hardware token
U2FVersionstringU2F response data supplied by hardware token
DescriptionstringDescription of the token (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/account/u2f/submit-challenge-response (>= 21.12.0) ("AdminAccountU2fSubmitChallengeResponse")

AdminAccountValidateTotp: Validate the TOTP code before turning 2fa(TOTP) on

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TOTPCodestringSix-digit code after scanning barcode image

AdminAccountWebauthnRequestRegistrationChallenge: Register a new FIDO2 WebAuthn token

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
SelfAddressstringExternal URL of this server, used as WebAuthn ID

AdminAccountWebauthnSubmitChallengeResponse: Register a new FIDO2 WebAuthn token

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
SelfAddressstringExternal URL of this server, used as WebAuthn ID
ChallengeIDstringAssociated value from AdminAccountWebAuthnRequestRegistrationChallenge API
CredentialstringJSON-encoded credential

AdminAddFirstAdminUser: Add first admin user account on new server

TargetUserstringthe username for this new admin
TargetPasswordstringthe password for this new admin user

AdminAddUser: Add a new user account

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringNew account username
TargetPasswordstringNew account password
StoreRecoveryCodeintIf set to 1, store and keep a password recovery code for the generated user (>= 18.3.9) (Optional)
RequirePasswordChangeintIf set to 1, require to reset password at the first login for the generated user (>= 20.3.4) (Optional)
TargetOrganizationstringIf present, create the user account on behalf of another organization. Only allowed for administrator accounts in the top-level organization. (>= 22.3.7) (Optional)

AdminAddUserFromProfile: Add a new user account (with all information)

This allows you to create a new account and set all its properties at once (e.g. during account replication). Developers creating a signup form may find it simpler to use the AdminAddUser and AdminGetUserProfile / AdminSetUserProfile APIs separately.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringNew account username
ProfileDataUserProfileConfig (JSON)New account profile
TargetOrganizationstringIf present, create the user account on behalf of another organization. Only allowed for administrator accounts in the top-level organization. (>= 22.3.7) (Optional)

AdminAdminUserDelete: Delete an administrator

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringthe username of the admin to be deleted

AdminAdminUserList: List administrators

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminAdminUserNew: Add a new administrator

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringthe username for this new admin
TargetPasswordstringthe password for this new admin user
TargetOrgIDstringprovide the organization ID for this user, it will default to the org of the authenticating user otherwise (Optional)

AdminBrandingAvailablePlatforms: List available software download platforms

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

AdminBrandingGenerateClientByPlatform: Download software

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/by-platform (>= 18.12.2)
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
PlatformintThe selected download platform, from the AdminBrandingAvailablePlatforms API
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

AdminBrandingGenerateClientLinuxDeb: Download software (Linux Debian Package)

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/linux-deb
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

AdminBrandingGenerateClientLinuxgeneric: Download software (Linux Server .run)

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/linuxgeneric
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/update-software/linuxgeneric ("UpdateSoftwareLinuxgeneric")

AdminBrandingGenerateClientMacosArm64: Download software (macOS arm64 pkg)

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/macos-arm64
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/update-software/macos-arm64 ("UpdateSoftwareMacosArm64")

AdminBrandingGenerateClientMacosX8664: Download software (macOS x86_64 pkg)

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/macos-x86_64
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/update-software/macos-x86_64 ("UpdateSoftwareMacosX8664")

AdminBrandingGenerateClientSpkDsm6: Download software (Synology SPK for DSM 6)

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/spk-dsm6
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/update-software/spk-dsm6 ("UpdateSoftwareSpkDsm6")

AdminBrandingGenerateClientSpkDsm7: Download software (Synology SPK for DSM 7)

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/spk-dsm7
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/update-software/spk-dsm7 ("UpdateSoftwareSpkDsm7")

AdminBrandingGenerateClientTest: Check if a software download is available

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

PlatformintThe selected download platform, from the AdminBrandingAvailablePlatforms API
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

AdminBrandingGenerateClientWindowsAnycpuExe: Download software update (Windows AnyCPU exe)

The exe endpoints are not recommended for end-users, as they may not be able to provide a codesigned installer if no custom codesigning certificate is present.

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/windows-anycpu-exe
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 2 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/update-software/windows ("UpdateSoftwareWindows")
  • POST /api/v1/update-software ("UpdateSoftware")

AdminBrandingGenerateClientWindowsAnycpuZip: Download software (Windows AnyCPU zip)

The zip endpoints are recommended for end-users, as they may be able to provide a codesigned installer even when no custom codesigning certificate is present.

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/windows-anycpu-zip
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 2 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/windows ("AdminBrandingGenerateClientWindows")
  • POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client ("AdminBrandingGenerateClient")

AdminBrandingGenerateClientWindowsX8632Exe: Download software update (Windows x86_32 exe)

The exe endpoints are not recommended for end-users, as they may not be able to provide a codesigned installer if no custom codesigning certificate is present.

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/windows-x86_32-exe
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/update-software/windows-x86_32 ("UpdateSoftwareWindowsX8632")

AdminBrandingGenerateClientWindowsX8632Zip: Download software (Windows x86_32 zip)

The zip endpoints are recommended for end-users, as they may be able to provide a codesigned installer even when no custom codesigning certificate is present.

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/windows-x86_32-zip
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/windows-x86_32 ("AdminBrandingGenerateClientWindowsX8632")

AdminBrandingGenerateClientWindowsX8664Exe: Download software update (Windows x86_64 exe)

The exe endpoints are not recommended for end-users, as they may not be able to provide a codesigned installer if no custom codesigning certificate is present.

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/windows-x86_64-exe
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/update-software/windows-x86_64 ("UpdateSoftwareWindowsX8664")

AdminBrandingGenerateClientWindowsX8664Zip: Download software (Windows x86_64 zip)

The zip endpoints are recommended for end-users, as they may be able to provide a codesigned installer even when no custom codesigning certificate is present.

This API requires administrator authentication credentials, unless the server is configured to allow unauthenticated software downloads. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/windows-x86_64-zip
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/branding/generate-client/windows-x86_64 ("AdminBrandingGenerateClientWindowsX8664")

AdminBulletinSubmit: Send an email bulletin to all users

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
SubjectstringBulletin subject line
ContentstringBulletin message content

AdminConstellationLastReport: Get Constellation bucket usage report (cached)

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Constellation Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/overseer/last-report ("AdminOverseerLastReport")

AdminConstellationNewReport: Get Constellation bucket usage report (regenerate)

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Constellation Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/overseer/new-report ("AdminOverseerNewReport")

AdminConstellationPruneNow: Prune unused buckets

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts. This API requires the Constellation Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/overseer/prune-now ("AdminOverseerPruneNow")

AdminConstellationStatus: Get Constellation status

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Constellation Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/overseer/status ("AdminOverseerStatus")

AdminConvertStorageRole: Convert IAM Storage Role vault to its underlying S3 type

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringThe user to receive the new Storage Vault
DestinationIdstringThe id of the old storage role destination to convert

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
QuerySearchClause (JSON)(No description available)

AdminCreateInstallToken: Create token for silent installation

Currently only supported for Windows & macOS only Provide the installation token to silently install the client on windows install.exe /TOKEN=<installtoken> Provide the installation token to silently install the client on Mac OS sudo launchctl setenv BACKUP_APP_TOKEN "installtoken" && sudo /usr/sbin/installer -allowUntrusted -pkg "Comet Backup.pkg" -target /

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringSelected account username
TargetPasswordstringSelected account password
ServerstringExternal URL of the authentication server that is different from the current server (Optional)

AdminDeleteUser: Delete user account

This does not remove any storage buckets. Unused storage buckets will be cleaned up by the Constellation Role. Any stored data can not be decrypted without the user profile. Misuse can cause data loss! This also allows to uninstall software from active devices under the user account This also removes all job history for the user account.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringSelected account username
UninstallConfigUninstallConfig (JSON)Uninstall software configuration (>= 20.3.5) (Optional)

AdminDisableUserTotp: Disable user account 2FA(TOTP) authentication

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringSelected account username

AdminDispatcherApplyRetentionRules: Instruct a live connected device to apply retention rules now

This command is understood by Comet Backup 17.6.9 and newer.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/dispatcher/apply-retention-rules (>= 17.6.9)
  • Return type: CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON)
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault GUID

AdminDispatcherBrowseVirtualMachines: Browse virtual machines in target snapshot

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationIDstringThe Storage Vault GUID
SnapshotIDstringSnapshot to search

AdminDispatcherDeepverifyStorageVault: Instruct a live connected device to deeply verify Storage Vault content

This command is understood by Comet Backup 18.8.2 and newer.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/dispatcher/deepverify-storage-vault (>= 18.8.2)
  • Return type: CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON)
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault GUID

AdminDispatcherDeleteSnapshot: Instruct a live connected device to delete a stored snapshot

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationIDstringThe Storage Vault GUID
SnapshotIDstringThe backup job snapshot ID to delete

AdminDispatcherDeleteSnapshots: Instruct a live connected device to delete multiple stored snapshots

The target device must be running Comet 20.9.10 or later.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationIDstringThe Storage Vault GUID
SnapshotIDsList<string> (JSON)The backup job snapshot IDs to delete

AdminDispatcherDropConnection: Disconnect a live connected device

The device will almost certainly attempt to reconnect.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID

AdminDispatcherEmailPreview: Request HTML content of an email

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their mail

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
Snapshotstringwhere the email belongs to
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault ID
Pathstringof the email to view

AdminDispatcherGetDefaultLoginUrl: Get the default login URL for a tenant

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
OrganizationIDstringTarget organization

AdminDispatcherImportApply: Instruct a live connected device to import settings from an installed product

This command is understood by Comet Backup 17.12.0 and newer.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
ImportSourceIDstringThe selected import source, as found by the AdminDispatcherRequestImportSources API

AdminDispatcherKillProcess: Instruct a live connected device to disconnect

The device will terminate its live-connection process and will not reconnect.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID

AdminDispatcherListActive: List live connected devices

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
UserNameFilterstringUser name filter string (Optional)

AdminDispatcherOffice365ListVirtualAccounts: Request a list of Office365 Resources (groups, sites, teams groups and users)

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsOffice365Credential (JSON)The Office365 account credential

AdminDispatcherPingDestination: Test the connection to the storage bucket

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
ExtraDataDestinationLocation (JSON)The destination location settings

AdminDispatcherRefetchProfile: Instruct a live connected device to refresh their profile

This command is understood by Comet Backup 17.12.0 and newer.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID

AdminDispatcherRegisterOfficeApplicationBegin: Begin the process of registering a new Azure AD application that can access Office 365 for backup

After calling this API, you should supply the login details to the end-user, and then begin polling the AdminDispatcherRegisterOfficeApplicationCheck with the supplied "Continuation" parameter to check on the registration process.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
EmailAddressstringThe email address of the Azure AD administrator

AdminDispatcherRegisterOfficeApplicationCheck: Check the process of registering a new Azure AD application that can access Office 365 for backup

You should begin the process by calling AdminDispatcherRegisterOfficeApplicationBegin and asking the end-user to complete the Azure authentication steps.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
ContinuationstringThe ID returned from the AdminDispatcherRegisterOfficeApplicationBegin endpoint

AdminDispatcherReindexStorageVault: Instruct a live connected device to rebuild Storage Vault indexes now

This command is understood by Comet Backup 18.6.9 and newer.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/dispatcher/reindex-storage-vault (>= 18.6.9)
  • Return type: CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON)
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault GUID

AdminDispatcherRequestBrowseDiskDrives: Request a list of physical disk drive information from a live connected device

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID

AdminDispatcherRequestBrowseExchangeEdb: Request a list of Exchange EDB databases from a live connected device

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID

AdminDispatcherRequestBrowseHyperv: Request a list of Hyper-V virtual machines from a live connected device

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID

AdminDispatcherRequestBrowseMongodb: Request a list of tables in MongoDB database

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsMongoDBConnection (JSON)The Mongo database authentication settings

AdminDispatcherRequestBrowseMssql: Request a list of tables in MSSQL database

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsMSSQLConnection (JSON)The MSSQL database authentication settings

AdminDispatcherRequestBrowseMysql: Request a list of tables in MySQL database

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsMySQLConnection (JSON)The MySQL database authentication settings

AdminDispatcherRequestBrowseVmware: Request a list of VMware vSphere virtual machines

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsVMwareConnection (JSON)The VMware vSphere connection settings

AdminDispatcherRequestBrowseVmwareDatacenters: Request a list of VMware vSphere Datacenters on a VMware vSphere connection

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsVMwareConnection (JSON)The VMware vSphere connection settings

AdminDispatcherRequestBrowseVmwareDatastores: Request a list of VMware vSphere Datastores on a VMware vSphere connection, for a specified VMware Datacenter

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsVMwareConnection (JSON)The VMware vSphere connection settings
FilterstringThe name of the target VMware Datacenter

AdminDispatcherRequestBrowseVmwareHosts: Request a list of VMware vSphere Hosts on a VMware vSphere connection, for a specified VMware Datacenter

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsVMwareConnection (JSON)The VMware vSphere connection settings
FilterstringThe name of the target VMware Datacenter

AdminDispatcherRequestBrowseVmwareNetworks: Request a list of VMware vSphere Networks on a VMware vSphere connection, for a specified VMware Datacenter

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsVMwareConnection (JSON)The VMware vSphere connection settings
FilterstringThe name of the target VMware Datacenter

AdminDispatcherRequestBrowseVssAaw: Request a list of installed VSS Writers (Application-Aware Writers) from a live connected device

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID

AdminDispatcherRequestFilesystemObjects: Request a list of filesystem objects from a live connected device

The device must have granted the administrator permission to view its filenames.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
PathstringBrowse objects inside this path. If empty or not present, returns the top-level device paths (Optional)

AdminDispatcherRequestImportSources: Request a list of import sources from a live connected device

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID

AdminDispatcherRequestOffice365Accounts: Request a list of Office365 mailbox accounts

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files. This is primarily used for testing the connection to Graph API, not for actual listing

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsOffice365Credential (JSON)The Office365 account credential

AdminDispatcherRequestOffice365Sites: Request a list of Office365 sites

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsOffice365Credential (JSON)The Office365 account credential

AdminDispatcherRequestStoredObjects: Request a list of stored objects inside an existing backup job

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files. To service this request, the remote device must connect to the Storage Vault and load index data. There may be a small delay. If the remote device is running Comet 20.12.0 or later, the necessary index data is cached when this API is first called, for 15 minutes after the last repeated call. This can improve performance for interactively browsing an entire tree of stored objects.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault ID
SnapshotIDstringThe selected backup job snapshot
TreeIDstringBrowse objects inside subdirectory of backup snapshot. If it is for VMDK single file restore, it should be the disk image's subtree ID. (Optional)
OptionsVMDKSnapshotViewOptions (JSON)Request a list of stored objects in vmdk file (Optional)

AdminDispatcherRequestVaultSnapshots: Request a list of Storage Vault snapshots from a live connected device

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault ID

AdminDispatcherRequestWindiskSnapshot: Request a Disk Image snapshot with the windiskbrowse-style from a live connected device

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault ID
SnapshotIDstringThe Snapshot ID

AdminDispatcherRunBackup: Instruct a live connected device to run a scheduled backup

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
BackupRulestringThe schedule GUID

AdminDispatcherRunBackupCustom: Instruct a live connected device to run a backup

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
SourcestringThe Protected Item GUID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault GUID
OptionsBackupJobAdvancedOptions (JSON)Extra job parameters (>= 19.3.6) (Optional)

AdminDispatcherRunRestore: Instruct a live connected device to perform a local restore

This command is understood by Comet Backup 17.9.3 and newer.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
PathstringThe local path to restore to
SourcestringThe Protected Item ID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault ID
SnapshotstringIf present, restore a specific snapshot. Otherwise, restore the latest snapshot for the selected Protected Item + Storage Vault pair (Optional)
PathsList<string> (JSON)If present, restore these paths only. Otherwise, restore all data (>= 19.3.0) (Optional)

AdminDispatcherRunRestoreCustom: Instruct a live connected device to perform a local restore

This command is understood by Comet Backup 18.6.0 and newer.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
SourcestringThe Protected Item ID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault ID
OptionsRestoreJobAdvancedOptions (JSON)Restore targets
SnapshotstringIf present, restore a specific snapshot. Otherwise, restore the latest snapshot for the selected Protected Item + Storage Vault pair (Optional)
PathsList<string> (JSON)If present, restore these paths only. Otherwise, restore all data (Optional)
KnownFileCountintThe number of files to restore, if known. Supplying this means we don't need to walk the entire tree just to find the file count and will speed up the restoration process. (Optional)
KnownByteCountintThe total size in bytes of files to restore, if known. Supplying this means we don't need to walk the entire tree just to find the total file size and will speed up the restoration process. (Optional)
KnownDirCountintThe number of directories to restore, if known. Supplying this means we don't need to walk the entire tree just to find the number of directories and will speed up the restoration process. (Optional)

AdminDispatcherSearchSnapshots: Search storage vault snapshots

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationIDstringThe Storage Vault GUID
SnapshotIDsList<string> (JSON)Snapshots to search
FilterSearchClause (JSON)The search filter

AdminDispatcherTestSmbAuth: Test a set of Windows SMB credentials

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
WsaWinSMBAuth (JSON)The target credentials to test

AdminDispatcherUninstallSoftware: Instruct a live connected device to self-uninstall the software

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
RemoveConfigFilebool (JSON)Determine if the config.dat file will be deleted at the same time

AdminDispatcherUnlock: Instruct a live connected device to remove lock files from a Storage Vault

Misuse can cause data loss! This command is understood by Comet Backup 17.9.4 and newer.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault GUID

AdminDispatcherUpdateLoginUrl: Instruct a live connected device to update its login server URL

The device will attempt to connect to the new Auth Role Comet Server using its current username and password. If the test connection succeeds, the device migrates its saved connection settings and live connections to the new server. If the device is not registered on the new URL, or if the credentials are incorrect, the device remains on the current Auth Role server.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
NewURLstringThe new external URL of this server
Forcebool (JSON)No checks will be done using previous URL (Optional)

AdminDispatcherUpdateSoftware: Instruct a live connected device to download a software update

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
SelfAddressstringThe external URL of this server, used to resolve conflicts (>= 19.3.11) (Optional)

AdminExternalAuthSourcesDelete: Delete an external admin authentication source

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
SourceIDstring(No description available)

AdminExternalAuthSourcesGet: Get a map of all external admin authentication sources

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminExternalAuthSourcesNew: Create an external admin authentication source

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
SourceExternalAuthenticationSource (JSON)(No description available)
SourceIDstring(No description available) (Optional)

AdminExternalAuthSourcesSet: Updates the current tenant's external admin authentication sources. This will set all

sources for the tenant; none will be preserved.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
SourcesDictionary<string, ExternalAuthenticationSource> (JSON)(No description available)

AdminGetJobLog: Get the report log entries for a single job, in plaintext format

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/get-job-log
  • Return type: Body in text/plain encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
JobIDstringSelected job ID

AdminGetJobLogEntries: Get the report log entries for a single job

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
JobIDstringSelected job ID
MinSeveritystringReturn only job log entries with equal or higher severity (Optional)
MessageContainsstringReturn only job log entries that contain exact string (Optional)

AdminGetJobProperties: Get properties of a single job

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
JobIDstringSelected job ID

AdminGetJobsAll: Get jobs (All)

The jobs are returned in an unspecified order.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

The jobs are returned in an unspecified order.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
QuerySearchClause (JSON)(No description available)

AdminGetJobsForDateRange: Get jobs (for date range)

The jobs are returned in an unspecified order.

If the Start parameter is later than End, they will be swapped.

This API will return all jobs that either started or ended within the supplied range.

Incomplete jobs have an end time of 0. You can use this API to find only incomplete jobs by setting both Start and End to 0.

Prior to Comet Server 22.6.0, additional Incomplete jobs may have been returned if you specified non-zero arguments for both Start and End.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
StartintTimestamp (Unix)
EndintTimestamp (Unix)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/get-jobs-for-daterange ("AdminGetJobsForDaterange")

AdminGetJobsForUser: Get jobs (for user)

The jobs are returned in an unspecified order.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringSelected username

AdminGetJobsRecent: Get jobs (Recent and incomplete)

The jobs are returned in an unspecified order.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminGetUserProfile: Get user account profile

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringSelected account username

AdminGetUserProfileAndHash: Get user account profile (atomic)

The resulting hash parameter can be passed to the corresponding update API, to atomically ensure that no changes occur between get/set operations. The hash format is not publicly documented and may change in a future server version. Use server APIs to retrieve current hash values.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringSelected account username

AdminGetUserProfileHash: Get user account profile (hash)

The profile hash can be used to determine if a user account profile has changed. The hash format is not publicly documented and may change in a future server version. Use server APIs to retrieve current hash values.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringSelected account username

AdminInstallationDispatchDropConnection: Instruct a live connected device to disconnect

The device will terminate its live-connection process and will not reconnect.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
DeviceIDstringThe live connection Device GUID

AdminInstallationDispatchRegisterDevice: Instruct an unregistered device to authenticate with a given user

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/installation/dispatch/register-device
  • Return type: string (JSON), or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
DeviceIDstringThe live connection Device GUID
TargetUserstringSelected account username
TargetPasswordstringSelected account password
TargetTOTPCodestringSelected account TOTP code (Optional)

AdminInstallationListActive: List live connected devices in lobby mode

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminJobAbandon: Mark a running job as abandoned

This will change the status of a running job to abandoned. This is intended to be used on jobs which are definitely no longer running but are stuck in the running state; it will not attempt to cancel the job. If the job is detected to still be running after being marked as abandoned, it will be revived.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
JobIDstringJob ID

AdminJobCancel: Cancel a running job

A request is sent to the live-connected device, asking it to cancel the operation. This may fail if there is no live-connection. Only jobs from Comet 18.3.5 or newer can be cancelled. A job can only be cancelled if it has a non-empty CancellationID field in its properties. If the device is running Comet 21.9.5 or later, this API will wait up to ten seconds for a confirmation from the client.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
JobIDstringJob ID

AdminListUsers: List all user accounts

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/list-users
  • Return type: List<string> (JSON), or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminListUsersFull: List all user account profiles

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaBrandingConfigGet: Get Branding configuration

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaBrandingConfigSet: Set Branding configuration

Note that file resources must be provided using a resource URI, i.e "resource://05ba0b90ee66bda433169581188aba8d29faa938f9464cccd651a02fdf2e5b57". See AdminMetaResourceNew for the API documentation to create new file resources.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
BrandingConfigBrandingOptions (JSON)Updated configuration content

AdminMetaBuildConfigGet: Get Software Build Role configuration

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaBuildConfigSet: Set Build Role configuration

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
SoftwareBuildRoleConfigSoftwareBuildRoleOptions (JSON)Updated configuration content

AdminMetaConstellationConfigGet: Get Constellation configuration for the current organization

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Constellation Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaConstellationConfigSet: Set Constellation configuration for the current organization

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Constellation Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
ConstellationRoleOptionsConstellationRoleOptions (JSON)Constellation role options to set

AdminMetaEmailOptionsGet: Get the email options

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaEmailOptionsSet: Set the email options

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
EmailOptionsEmailOptions (JSON)The replacement email reporting options.

AdminMetaListAvailableLogDays: Get log files

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/meta/list-available-log-days
  • Return type: List<int> (JSON), or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaPsaConfigListGet: Get the server PSA configuration

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaPsaConfigListSet: Update the server PSA configuration

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
PSAConfigListList<PSAConfig> (JSON)The replacement PSA configuration list

AdminMetaPsaConfigListSyncNow: Synchronize all PSA services now

This API applies to the current Organization's PSAConfig's only.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaReadAllLogs: Get a ZIP file of all of the server's log files

On non-Windows platforms, log content uses LF line endings. On Windows, Comet changed from LF to CRLF line endings in 18.3.2. This API does not automatically convert line endings; around the 18.3.2 timeframe, log content may even contain mixed line-endings.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/meta/read-all-logs (>= 21.9.7)
  • Return type: Body in application/zip encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaReadLogs: Get log file content

On non-Windows platforms, log content uses LF line endings. On Windows, Comet changed from LF to CRLF line endings in 18.3.2. This API does not automatically convert line endings; around the 18.3.2 timeframe, log content may even contain mixed line-endings.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/meta/read-logs
  • Return type: Body in text/plain encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
LogintA log day, selected from the options returned by the Get Log Files API

AdminMetaReadSelectLogs: Get logs file content

On non-Windows platforms, log content uses LF line endings. On Windows, Comet changed from LF to CRLF line endings in 18.3.2. This API does not automatically convert line endings; around the 18.3.2 timeframe, log content may even contain mixed line-endings.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/meta/read-select-logs
  • Return type: Body in text/plain encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
LogsList<int> (JSON)An array of log days, selected from the options returned by the Get Log Files API

AdminMetaRemoteStorageVaultGet: Get Requesting Remote Storage Vault Config

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaRemoteStorageVaultSet: Set Storage template vault options

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
RemoteStorageOptionsList<RemoteStorageOption> (JSON)Updated configuration content
ReplacementAutoVaultIDstringReplacement Storage Template ID for auto Storage Vault configurations that use deleted Storage Templates (Optional)

AdminMetaRemoteStorageVaultTest: Test the connection to the storage template

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TemplateOptionsRemoteStorageOption (JSON)Storage Template Vault Options

AdminMetaResourceGet: Get a resource file

Resources are used to upload files within the server configuration.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/meta/resource/get
  • Return type: Body in application/octet-stream encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
HashstringThe resource identifier

AdminMetaResourceNew: Upload a resource file

Resources are used to upload files within the server configuration. The resulting resource ID is autogenerated. The lifespan of an uploaded resource is undefined. Resources may be deleted automatically, but it should remain available until the next call to AdminMetaServerConfigSet, and will remain available for as long as it is referenced by the server configuration.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

Header X-Comet-Admin-UsernamestringAdmin account name
Header X-Comet-Admin-AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey' (Optional)
Header X-Comet-Admin-PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
Header X-Comet-Admin-SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
Header X-Comet-Admin-TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
Header X-Comet-Admin-WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
uploadstringThe uploaded file contents, as a multipart/form-data part.

AdminMetaRestartService: Restart server

The Comet Server process will exit. The service manager should restart the server automatically.

Prior to 18.9.2, this API terminated the server immediately without returning a response. In 18.9.2 and later, it returns a successful response before shutting down.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaSendTestEmail: Send a test email message

This allows the Comet Server web interface to support testing different email credentials during setup.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
EmailOptionsEmailOptions (JSON)Updated configuration content
RecipientstringTarget email address to send test email

AdminMetaSendTestReport: Send a test admin email report

This allows a user to send a test email report

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
EmailReportingOptionEmailReportingOption (JSON)Test email reporting option for sending
TargetOrganizationstringIf present, Testing email with a target organization. Only allowed for top-level admins. (>= 24.3.0) (Optional)

AdminMetaServerConfigGet: Get server configuration

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaServerConfigNetworkInterfaces: List the available network interfaces on the PC running Comet Server

Any IPv6 addresses are listed in compressed form without square-brackets.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/meta/server-config/network-interfaces (>= 19.6.0)
  • Return type: List<string> (JSON), or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaServerConfigSet: Set server configuration

The Comet Server process will exit. The service manager should restart the server automatically.

Prior to 18.9.2, this API terminated the server immediately without returning a response. In 18.9.2 and later, it returns a successful response before shutting down.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
ConfigServerConfigOptions (JSON)Updated configuration content

AdminMetaShutdownService: Shut down server

The Comet Server process will exit.

Prior to 18.9.2, this API terminated the server immediately without returning a response. In 18.9.2 and later, it returns a successful response before shutting down.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaSoftwareUpdateNews: Get software update news from the software provider

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaStats: Get Comet Server historical statistics

The returned key-value map is not necessarily ordered. Client-side code should sort the result before display.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
Simplebool (JSON)Remove redundant statistics

AdminMetaVersion: Get server properties

Retrieve the version number and basic properties about the server.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaWebhookOptionsGet: Get the server webhook configuration

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminMetaWebhookOptionsSet: Update the server webhook configuration

Calling this endpoint will interrupt any messages currently queued for existing webhook destinations.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
WebhookOptionsDictionary<string, WebhookOption> (JSON)The replacement webhook target options.

AdminNewsGetAll: Get News entries (Admin)

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminNewsRemove: Remove news item

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
NewsItemstringSelected news item GUID

AdminNewsSubmit: Submit news item

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
NewsContentstringContent of news item

Prior to Comet 22.6.0, this API was documented as returning the OrganizationResponse type. However, it always has returned only a CometAPIResponseMessage.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
OrganizationIDstring(No description available) (Optional)
UninstallConfigUninstallConfig (JSON)Uninstall software configuration (Optional)

AdminOrganizationExport: Run self-backup for a specific tenant

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
OptionsSelfBackupExportOptions (JSON)The export config options

AdminOrganizationList: List Organizations

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminOrganizationSet: Create or Update an Organization

Prior to Comet 22.6.0, the 'ID' and 'Organization' fields were not present in the response.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
OrganizationIDstring(No description available) (Optional)
OrganizationOrganization (JSON)(No description available) (Optional)

AdminPoliciesDelete: Delete an existing policy object

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
PolicyIDstringThe policy ID to update or create

AdminPoliciesGet: Retrieve a single policy object

A hash is also returned, to allow atomic modification operations.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
PolicyIDstringThe policy ID to retrieve

AdminPoliciesList: List all policy object names

For the top-level organization, the API result includes all policies for all organizations, unless the TargetOrganization parameter is present.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/policies/list (>= 18.3.11)
  • Return type: Dictionary<string, string> (JSON), or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetOrganizationstringIf present, list the policies belonging to another organization. Only allowed for administrator accounts in the top-level organization. (>= 22.3.7) (Optional)

AdminPoliciesListFull: Get all policy objects

For the top-level organization, the API result includes all policies for all organizations, unless the TargetOrganization parameter is present.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetOrganizationstringIf present, list the policies belonging to another organization. Only allowed for administrator accounts in the top-level organization. (>= 22.3.7) (Optional)

AdminPoliciesNew: Create a new policy object

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
PolicyGroupPolicy (JSON)The policy data

AdminPoliciesSet: Update an existing policy object

An optional hash may be used, to ensure the modification was atomic. This API can also be used to create a new policy object with a specific hash.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
PolicyIDstringThe policy ID to update or create
PolicyGroupPolicy (JSON)The policy data
CheckPolicyHashstringAn atomic verification hash as supplied by the AdminPoliciesGet API (Optional)
OptionsPolicyOptions (JSON)An array of PolicySourceID that will be explicitly deleted. (Optional)

AdminPreviewUserEmailReport: Preview an email report for a customer

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringSelected account username
EmailReportConfigEmailReportConfig (JSON)Email report configuration to preview
EmailAddressstringEmail address that may be included in the report body (>= 20.3.3) (Optional)

AdminReplicationState: Get Replication status

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/storage/replication/state ("AdminStorageReplicationState")

AdminRequestStorageVault: Request a new Storage Vault on behalf of a user

This action does not respect the "Prevent creating new Storage Vaults (via Request)" policy setting. New Storage Vaults can be requested regardless of the policy setting. Prior to Comet 19.8.0, the response type was CometAPIResponseMessage (i.e. no DestinationID field in response). The StorageProvider must exist for the target user account's organization.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringThe user to receive the new Storage Vault
StorageProviderstringID for the storage template destination
SelfAddressstringThe external URL for this server. Used to resolve conflicts (Optional)
DeviceIDstringThe ID of the device to be added as a associated device of the Storage Vault (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/request-bucket (>= 1.0.0) ("AdminRequestBucket")

AdminRequestStorageVaultProviders: Get the available options for Requesting a Storage Vault

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/request-storage-vault-providers (>= 18.6.2)
  • Return type: Dictionary<string, string> (JSON), or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetOrganizationstringIf present, list the storage template options belonging to another organization. Only allowed for administrator accounts in the top-level organization. (>= 22.3.7) (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/request-bucket-options (>= 1.0.0) ("AdminRequestBucketOptions")

AdminResetUserPassword: Reset user account password

The user account must have a recovery code present. A new replacement recovery code will be generated automatically.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringSelected account username
NewPasswordstringNew account password
OldPasswordstringOld account password. Required if no recovery code is present for the user account. (Optional)

AdminRevokeDevice: Revoke device from user account

It's possible to simply remove the Device section from the user's profile, however, using this dedicated API will also gracefully handle live connections.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringSelected account username
TargetDevicestringSelected Device ID

AdminSelfBackupStart: Run self-backup on all targets

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminSetUserProfile: Modify user account profile

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringSelected account username
ProfileDataUserProfileConfig (JSON)Modified user profile

AdminSetUserProfileHash: Modify user account profile (atomic)

The hash parameter can be determined from the corresponding API, to atomically ensure that no changes occur between get/set operations. The hash format is not publicly documented and may change in a future server version. Use server APIs to retrieve current hash values.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetUserstringSelected account username
ProfileDataUserProfileConfig (JSON)Modified user profile
RequireHashstringPrevious hash parameter
AdminOptionsAdminOptions (JSON)Instructions for modifying user profile (Optional)

AdminStorageBucketProperties: Retrieve properties for a single bucket

This API can also be used to refresh the size measurement for a single bucket by passing a valid AfterTimestamp parameter.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Storage Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
BucketIDstringBucket ID
AfterTimestampintAllow a stale size measurement if it is at least as new as the supplied Unix timestamp. Timestamps in the future may produce a result clamped down to the Comet Server's current time. If not present, the size measurement may be arbitrarily stale. (Optional)

AdminStorageDeleteBucket: Delete a bucket

All data will be removed from the server. Misuse can cause data loss!

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Storage Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
BucketIDstringSelected bucket name

AdminStorageFreeSpace: Retrieve available space metrics

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis. This API requires the Storage Role to be enabled. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
BucketIDstring(This parameter is not used) (Optional)

AdminStorageListBuckets: List all buckets

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Storage Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminStoragePingDestination: Ping a storage destination

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. Access to this API may be prevented on a per-administrator basis. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
ExtraDataDestinationLocation (JSON)The destination location settings

AdminStorageRegisterBucket: Create a new bucket

Leave the Set* parameters blank to generate a bucket with random credentials, or, supply a pre-hashed password for zero-knowledge operations. Any auto-generated credentials are returned in the response message.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Storage Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
SetBucketValuestringBucket ID (Optional)
SetKeyHashFormatstringBucket key hashing format (Optional)
SetKeyHashValuestringBucket key hash (Optional)
SetOrganizationIDstringTarget organization ID (>= 20.9.0) (Optional)

AdminUpdateCampaignStart: Start a new software update campaign

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
OptionsUpdateCampaignOptions (JSON)Configure targets for the software update campaign

AdminUpdateCampaignStatus: Get current campaign status

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API is only available for top-level administrator accounts, not for Tenant administrator accounts. This API requires the Software Build Role to be enabled. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)

AdminUserGroupsDelete: Delete an existing user group object

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
GroupIDstringThe user group ID to delete

AdminUserGroupsGet: Retrieve a single user group object

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
GroupIDstringThe user group ID to retrieve
IncludeUsersbool (JSON)If present, includes the users array in the response. (Optional)

AdminUserGroupsList: List all user group names

For the top-level organization, the API result includes all user groups for all organizations, unless the TargetOrganization parameter is present.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/user-groups/list (>= 24.12.0)
  • Return type: Dictionary<string, string> (JSON), or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetOrganizationstringIf present, list the user groups belonging to another organization. Only allowed for administrator accounts in the top-level organization. (Optional)

AdminUserGroupsListFull: Get all user group objects

For the top-level organization, the API result includes all user groups for all organizations, unless the TargetOrganization parameter is present.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
TargetOrganizationstringIf present, list the user groups belonging to the specified organization. Only allowed for administrator accounts in the top-level organization. (Optional)

AdminUserGroupsNew: Create a new user group object

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
Namestringthis is the name of the group.
TargetOrganizationstringIf present, list the policies belonging to another organization. Only allowed for administrator accounts in the top-level organization. (Optional)

AdminUserGroupsSet: Update an existing user group or create a new user group

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
GroupIDstringThe user group ID to update or create
GroupUserGroup (JSON)The user group data

AdminUserGroupsSetUsersForGroup: Update the users in the specified group

The provided list of users will be moved into the specified group, and any users already in the group who are not in the list of usernames will be removed.

You must supply administrator authentication credentials to use this API. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/admin/user-groups/set-users-for-group (>= 24.12.0)
  • Return type: CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON)
UsernamestringAdmin account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'PasswordTOTP', 'PasswordWebAuthn', 'TOTP', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringAdmin account password (Optional)
SessionKeystringAdmin session key (Optional)
TOTPstringAdmin current TOTP code (Optional)
WebAuthnSignWebAuthnSignResponse (JSON)Admin WebAuthn challenge signature (Optional)
GroupIDstringThe user group ID to update
UsersList<string> (JSON)An array of usernames.

BrandingProps: Retrieve basic information about this Comet Server

HybridSessionStart: Generate a session key (log in)

This hybrid API allows you to log in to the Comet Server as either an administrator or end-user account. This API behaves like either AdminAccountSessionStart or UserWebSessionStart, depending on what the supplied credentials were valid for.

UserDispatcherEmailPreview: Request HTML content of an email

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their mail

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
Snapshotstringwhere the email belongs to
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault ID
Pathstringof the email to view

UserWebAccountRegenerateTotp: Generate a new TOTP secret for user (web)

The secret is returned as a data-uri image of a QR code. The new secret is immediately applied to the current admin account.

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
ProfileHashstringPrevious account profile hash

UserWebAccountResetPassword: Reset the password for your own user account (web)

A new replacement recovery code will be generated if the present recovery code is not empty

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
ProfileHashstringPrevious account profile hash
OldPasswordstringCurrent account password
NewPasswordstringNew account password

UserWebAccountValidateTotp: Validate the TOTP code before turning 2fa(TOTP) on

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
ProfileHashstringPrevious account profile hash
TOTPCodestringSix-digit code after scanning barcode image

UserWebDispatcherBrowseVirtualMachines: Browse virtual machines in target snapshot

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationIDstringThe Storage Vault GUID
SnapshotIDstringSnapshot to search

UserWebDispatcherDeleteSnapshot: Instruct a live connected device to delete a stored snapshot

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationIDstringThe Storage Vault GUID
SnapshotIDstringThe backup job snapshot ID to delete

UserWebDispatcherDeleteSnapshots: Instruct a live connected device to delete multiple stored snapshots

The target device must be running Comet 20.9.10 or later.

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/user/web/dispatcher/delete-snapshots (>= 20.9.10)
  • Return type: CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON)
UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationIDstringThe Storage Vault GUID
SnapshotIDsList<string> (JSON)The backup job snapshot IDs to delete

UserWebDispatcherListActive: List live connected devices in my account

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)

UserWebDispatcherOffice365ListVirtualAccounts: Request a list of Office365 Resources (groups, sites, teams groups and users)

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsOffice365Credential (JSON)The Office365 account credential

UserWebDispatcherPingDestination: Test the connection to the storage bucket

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/user/web/dispatcher/ping-destination (>= 21.6.11)
  • Return type: CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON)
UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
ExtraDataDestinationLocation (JSON)The destination location settings

UserWebDispatcherRegisterOfficeApplicationBegin: Begin the process of registering a new Azure AD application that can access Office 365 for backup

After calling this API, you should supply the login details to the end-user, and then begin polling the AdminDispatcherRegisterOfficeApplicationCheck with the supplied "Continuation" parameter to check on the registration process.

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
EmailAddressstringThe email address of the Azure AD administrator

UserWebDispatcherRegisterOfficeApplicationCheck: Check the process of registering a new Azure AD application that can access Office 365 for backup

You should begin the process by calling AdminDispatcherRegisterOfficeApplicationBegin and asking the end-user to complete the Azure authentication steps.

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
ContinuationstringThe ID returned from the AdminDispatcherRegisterOfficeApplicationBegin endpoint

UserWebDispatcherRequestBrowseDiskDrives: Request a list of physical disk drive information from a live connected device

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID

UserWebDispatcherRequestBrowseExchangeEdb: Request a list of Exchange EDB databases from a live connected device

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID

UserWebDispatcherRequestBrowseHyperv: Request a list of Hyper-V virtual machines from a live connected device

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID

UserWebDispatcherRequestBrowseMongodb: Request a list of tables in MongoDB database

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsMongoDBConnection (JSON)The MongoDB database authentication settings

UserWebDispatcherRequestBrowseMssql: Request a list of tables in MSSQL database

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsMSSQLConnection (JSON)The MSSQL database authentication settings

UserWebDispatcherRequestBrowseMysql: Request a list of tables in MySQL database

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsMySQLConnection (JSON)The MySQL database authentication settings

UserWebDispatcherRequestBrowseVmware: Request a list of VMware vSphere virtual machines

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsVMwareConnection (JSON)The VMWare ESXi connection settings

UserWebDispatcherRequestBrowseVmwareDatacenters: Request a list of VMware vSphere Datacenters on a VMware vSphere connection

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsVMwareConnection (JSON)The VMware vSphere connection settings

UserWebDispatcherRequestBrowseVmwareDatastores: Request a list of VMware vSphere Datastores on a VMware vSphere connection, for a specified VMware Datacenter

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsVMwareConnection (JSON)The VMware vSphere connection settings
FilterstringThe name of the target VMware Datacenter

UserWebDispatcherRequestBrowseVmwareHosts: Request a list of VMware vSphere Hosts on a VMware vSphere connection, for a specified VMware Datacenter

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsVMwareConnection (JSON)The VMware vSphere connection settings
FilterstringThe name of the target VMware Datacenter

UserWebDispatcherRequestBrowseVmwareNetworks: Request a list of VMware vSphere Networks on a VMware vSphere connection, for a specified VMware Datacenter

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsVMwareConnection (JSON)The VMware vSphere connection settings
FilterstringThe name of the target VMware Datacenter

UserWebDispatcherRequestBrowseVssAaw: Request a list of installed VSS Writers (Application-Aware Writers) from a live connected device

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID

UserWebDispatcherRequestOffice365Accounts: Request a list of Office365 mailbox accounts

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsOffice365Credential (JSON)The Office365 account credential

UserWebDispatcherRequestOffice365Sites: Request a list of Office365 sites

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
CredentialsOffice365Credential (JSON)The Office365 account credential

UserWebDispatcherRequestStoredObjects: Request a list of stored objects inside an existing backup job

The remote device must have given consent for an MSP to browse their files.

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault ID
SnapshotIDstringThe selected backup job snapshot
TreeIDstringBrowse objects inside subdirectory of backup snapshot. If it is for VMDK single file restore, it should be the disk image's subtree ID. (Optional)
OptionsVMDKSnapshotViewOptions (JSON)Request a list of stored objects in vmdk file (Optional)

UserWebDispatcherRequestVaultSnapshots: Request a list of Storage Vault snapshots from a live connected device

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault ID

UserWebDispatcherRequestWindiskSnapshot: Request a Disk Image snapshot with the windiskbrowse-style from a live connected device

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault ID
SnapshotIDstringThe Snapshot ID

UserWebDispatcherRunBackup: Instruct a live connected device in my account to run a scheduled backup

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
BackupRulestringThe schedule GUID

UserWebDispatcherRunBackupCustom: Instruct a live connected device to run a backup

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/user/web/dispatcher/run-backup-custom (>= 18.3.13)
  • Return type: CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON)
UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
SourcestringThe Protected Item GUID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault GUID
OptionsBackupJobAdvancedOptions (JSON)Extra job parameters (>= 19.3.6) (Optional)

UserWebDispatcherRunRestore: Instruct a live connected device in my account to perform a local restore

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
PathstringThe local path to restore to
SourcestringThe Protected Item ID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault ID
SnapshotstringIf present, restore a specific snapshot. Otherwise, restore the latest snapshot for the selected Protected Item + Storage Vault pair (Optional)
PathsList<string> (JSON)If present, restore these paths only. Otherwise, restore all data (>= 19.3.0) (Optional)

UserWebDispatcherRunRestoreCustom: Instruct a live connected device in my account to perform a local restore

This command is understood by Comet Backup 18.6.0 and newer.

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/user/web/dispatcher/run-restore-custom (>= 18.6.0)
  • Return type: CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON)
UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
SourcestringThe Protected Item ID
DestinationstringThe Storage Vault ID
OptionsRestoreJobAdvancedOptions (JSON)Restore targets
SnapshotstringIf present, restore a specific snapshot. Otherwise, restore the latest snapshot for the selected Protected Item + Storage Vault pair (Optional)
PathsList<string> (JSON)If present, restore these paths only. Otherwise, restore all data (>= 19.3.0) (Optional)
KnownFileCountintThe number of files to restore, if known. Supplying this means we don't need to walk the entire tree just to find the file count and will speed up the restoration process. (Optional)
KnownByteCountintThe total size in bytes of files to restore, if known. Supplying this means we don't need to walk the entire tree just to find the total file size and will speed up the restoration process. (Optional)
KnownDirCountintThe number of directories to restore, if known. Supplying this means we don't need to walk the entire tree just to find the number of directories and will speed up the restoration process. (Optional)

UserWebDispatcherSearchSnapshots: Search storage vault snapshots

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
DestinationIDstringThe Storage Vault GUID
SnapshotIDsList<string> (JSON)Snapshots to search
FilterSearchClause (JSON)The search filter

UserWebDispatcherTestSmbAuth: Test a set of Windows SMB credentials

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
WsaWinSMBAuth (JSON)The target credentials to test

UserWebGetJobLog: Get backup job report log, in plaintext format (Web)

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/user/web/get-job-log
  • Return type: Body in text/plain encoding, or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
JobIDstringSelected job GUID

UserWebGetJobLogEntries: Get backup job report log (Web)

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
JobIDstringSelected job GUID
MinSeveritystringReturn only job log entries with equal or higher severity (Optional)
MessageContainsstringReturn only job log entries that contain exact string (Optional)

UserWebGetJobProperties: Get backup job properties (Web)

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
JobIDstringSelected job GUID

UserWebGetJobs: List all backup jobs (Web)

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)

UserWebGetJobsForCustomSearch: List all backup jobs (Web)

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)

UserWebGetUserProfileAndHash: Get user account profile (atomic)

(Web interface version)

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)

UserWebJobCancel: Cancel a running job

A request is sent to the live-connected device, asking it to cancel the operation. This may fail if there is no live-connection. Only jobs from Comet 18.3.5 or newer can be cancelled. A job can only be cancelled if it has a non-empty CancellationID field in its properties. If the device is running Comet 21.9.5 or later, this API will wait up to ten seconds for a confirmation from the client.

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
JobIDstringJob ID

UserWebNewsGetAll: Get News entries (Web)

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)

UserWebRequestFilesystemObjects: Request a list of filesystem objects from the device

The device must have granted the administrator permission to view its filenames.

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
TargetIDstringThe live connection GUID
PathstringBrowse objects inside this path. If empty or not present, returns the top-level device paths (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/user/request-filesystem-objects (>= 20.3.2) ("UserRequestFilesystemObjects")

UserWebRequestStorageVault: Request a new Storage Vault (Web)

This action can be prevented via policy. Prior to Comet 19.8.0, the response type was CometAPIResponseMessage (i.e. no DestinationID field in response). The StorageProvider must exist for the target user account's organization.

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
StorageProviderstringID for the storage template destination
SelfAddressstringThe external URL for this server. Used to resolve conflicts (Optional)
DeviceIDstringThe ID of the device to be added as a associated device of the Storage Vault (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/user/web/request-bucket ("UserWebRequestBucket")

UserWebRequestStorageVaultProviders: Get the available options for Requesting a Storage Vault (User Web)

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

  • Endpoint: POST /api/v1/user/web/request-storage-vault-providers (>= 18.6.2)
  • Return type: Dictionary<string, string> (JSON), or CometAPIResponseMessage (JSON) on failure
UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/user/web/request-bucket-options ("UserWebRequestBucketOptions")

UserWebSessionRevoke: Revoke a session key (log out)

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/user/session/revoke ("UserSessionRevoke")

UserWebSessionStart: Generate a session key (log in)

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)

This API can be accessed via an additional 1 endpoint(s) for backward compatibility. These aliases will be maintained indefinitely, but new applications should not use them.

  • POST /api/v1/user/session/start ("UserSessionStart")

UserWebSetProfileHash: Set account profile (atomic, web)

You must supply user authentication credentials to use this API, and the user account must be authorized for web access. This API requires the Auth Role to be enabled.

UsernamestringUser account name
AuthTypestringEither 'Password', 'LKey', or 'SessionKey'
PasswordstringUser account password (Optional)
LKeystringUser account L-key (Optional)
SessionKeystringUser session key (Optional)
ProfileDataUserProfileConfig (JSON)Updated account profile
ProfileHashstringPrevious account profile hash