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Meet the Team – Wellness with Leandra

· 5 min read

Written by Michelle Wong - Marketing Specialist

We sat down for a chat with Leandra Lombard, our Office Administrator who has been with the company since August 2022. This piece has been lightly edited for length and clarity.

So I had to go and hunt down your actual job title for this piece because internally we just affectionally refer to your title as Mama Bear. What does your role entail?

Yes, I am known as the office Mama Bear. I look after everyone, so sort of office manager meets people manager.

It's a mixture of paying the bills, doing payroll, taking care of the office, making sure there are snacks and supplies, spear heading wellness initiatives, checking in with people and seeing how they're doing, general admin tasks, and event planning.

Twice a year we have a week-long event called CometCon. We get all our remote team members into the Christchurch office for team building events, educational talks, and time to socialize. I ensure everything runs smoothly for those events, from flights and accommodation to making sure there are delicious meals, to booking fun, team-building activities.

What attracted you to work at Comet?

During my first phone interview with Josh, our General Manager, he was so real and down to earth. There was no pretence, and I loved that. When I had my second interview, as soon as I walked into the office, I knew I wanted to be here.

The leadership team really look at people, not just their job titles or skills on paper, but who you are as a person and if there is a strong cultural fit. I love that about Comet.

How would you describe the team culture?

I've worked in many different capacities in different companies and industries, but I have not encountered a culture like Comet before. Everyone is so welcoming and accepting. You can really be yourself and feel like you belong. We like to have fun, work hard, and take care of each other.

What's your favorite thing about Comet?

The biggest thing is the people. Absolutely. Everyone is so genuine and accepting. They talk about companies being like families but for a lot of companies, it's all talk, no show. Comet really does feel like a little family. In the best way. Without any crazy aunts.

Why is wellness so important to you and for the company?

It’s important to me because I’ve seen what a difference it makes when people get the right nutrition, proper rest, and some sunshine. It impacts not only physical, but mental health as well.  For some people, it can be life changing. By emphasizing wellness and giving the team weekly tips and reminders, I feel like I can make a difference in people’s lives and wellbeing.

What are some of the health and wellness initiatives at Comet?

One initiative we have implemented at Comet is that the company pays for our employees to have health insurance through Southern Cross. Included in that is an add-on Keeping Well module designed to encourage people to eat well, move more, and take care of themselves.

Every week we have free fresh fruit in the office. We also have an entire Slack channel dedicated to Wellness to share information such as YouTube videos, resources, healthy recipes, and to discuss different wellness topics and ideas. At the Friday all-hands meetings, I’ll go over one of those tips each week.

Do you have any favorite wellness resources?

When it comes to sharing healthy recipes, I am a huge fan of Nadia Lim, a chef from New Zealand. She does healthy in a holistic, delicious way which makes it more fun.

I’d also recommend the Mindset Mentor podcast by Rob Dial. It’s all about mindset, growth, mental health, and wellness. It gives me reminders to keep checking in on myself and be kind to others and myself.

What are some of your interests or hobbies outside of work?

Working part time hours at Comet affords me the time to volunteer on Tuesdays as a stylist for Dress for Success. It’s an incredible organization of women helping other women thrive by achieving economic independence through professional development tools and programs.

What do you like about living in Christchurch?

I am originally from South Africa. What I love about living in Christchurch is the freedom and the safety I feel here.

Having been through the earthquakes and seeing how Christchurch pulled together to help each other, how neighbours were looking after each other, and people were taking strangers into their homes, seeing the sense of community and how strong it is here is something I truly value.

We know everyone at Comet loves food. Do you have a favorite recipe you like to cook?

  I love making a slow cooker chili. It has about 10 different kinds of vegetables, legumes, and a little bit of meat. It is delicious, freezes well for meal prep, and you can just heat it up and put some avocado and tomato on top for a quick, healthy and delicious meal.

Do you have any top wellness tips?

Eat the fruits and vegetables. Prioritize sleep. Get some sunshine. Go for a walk. Take your breaks…all the things we know we should do but sometimes forget or deprioritize.

Remember, we are all doing the best we can, some days are going to be amazing, and some days won't. Allow yourself to be okay with that and give yourself a break sometimes.